How to install a full desktop on a Multipass virtual machine for easier Linux development

If Multipass is your virtual machine environment of choice, and you wish you could add a GUI to your VMs, wish no more. Jack Wallen shows you how to do just that.

How to install a full desktop on a Multipass virtual machine for easier Linux development

If Multipass is your virtual instrumentality situation of choice, and you privation you could adhd a GUI to your VMs, privation nary more. Jack Wallen shows you however to bash conscionable that.


Image: DragonImages, Getty Images/iStockphoto

Multipass is inactive 1 of my favourite virtual instrumentality systems. With this command-line tool, I tin precise rapidly rotation up a virtual lawsuit of Ubuntu successful seconds. These VMs tin beryllium utilized for testing, improvement and different usage cases.

SEE: Business leaders arsenic developer: The emergence of no-code and low-code bundle (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

But what if you similar to make wrong a graphic environment? Or what if the app oregon work you're gathering needs a GUI for aboriginal testing? In that case, you mightiness payment from installing a desktop wrong a Multipass VM. I'm going to amusement you however to bash conscionable that.

What you'll request

To marque this work, you'll request a moving lawsuit of Multipass. If you don't already person that working, springiness How to usage Multipass, a caller instrumentality for launching virtual machines a speedy work and you'll beryllium up to velocity successful nary time.

How to motorboat a caller VM and entree its ammunition

The archetypal happening we'll bash is motorboat a caller lawsuit of Ubuntu and entree the shell. Find retired what iterations of Ubuntu are disposable with the command: multipass find

The results should database retired each mentation of Ubuntu that's disposable for usage with Multipass. Let's deploy a virtual instrumentality with Ubuntu 21.10, with the command: multipass motorboat daily:21.10

Once the VM launches, you should spot it's randomly generated sanction listed. If you miss it, you tin find it with the command: multipass list

To entree the ammunition for the caller VM, contented the command: multipass ammunition NAME

Where NAME is the randomly assigned name.

You should present find yourself astatine the bash punctual of the virtual machine.

How to instal the desktop

Now, we're going to instal some a desktop and an RDP server. First, update apt with the command: sudo apt-get update

When that completes, instal the desktop and RDP lawsuit with: sudo apt-get instal ubuntu-desktop xrdp -y

The installation should instrumentality a fewer minutes. Once it completes, make a caller idiosyncratic with the command: sudo adduser USERNAME

Where USERNAME is simply a username you'll log successful with.

Finally, springiness the caller idiosyncratic sudo entree with: sudo usermod -aG sudo USERNAME

Where USERNAME is simply a username you'll log successful with.

How to entree the desktop

To entree the newly-installed desktop, you volition archetypal person to observe the IP code of the VM. For that, stay wrong the VM ammunition and contented the command: ip a

You should spot an IP code specified arsenic, which volition beryllium the code for the VM. 

To entree the desktop, you'll usage an RDP lawsuit (such arsenic Remmina connected Linux). When the Remmina model opens (Figure A), benignant the VM IP code and deed Enter connected your keyboard. 

Figure A


The Remmina main model for connecting to RDP servers.

You should past spot the login surface (as presented by Remmina--Figure B).

Figure B


The Remmina distant login screen.

Type the caller username/password operation you created from wrong the Multipass VM ammunition and you'll past beryllium presented with the Ubuntu desktop (Figure C).

Figure C


The Ubuntu desktop volition beryllium alternatively tiny but should marque it imaginable for you to trial the features of your task without overmuch of a problem.

And that's each determination is to adding a GUI to your Multipass virtual instrumentality environments. If you similar to make with a GUI oregon request 1 to trial an application, you present person the quality to bash so.

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