Archerfish prove they can count by spitting at computer screens
Previous research has suggested that fish have an innate sense of numbers, but critics say these experiments aren't the final word. Now, a new study has shown that archerfish really can count

Previous probe has suggested that food person an innate consciousness of numbers, but critics accidental these experiments aren't the last word. Now, a caller survey has shown that archerfish truly tin count Life 24 December 2021
Archerfish spit h2o astatine their prey Shutterstock / Roberto Dani
Can food count? An experimentation involving archerfish spitting astatine machine monitors has provided the champion grounds yet that they truly tin separate betwixt antithetic numbers.
Various studies implicit the past decennary oregon truthful person suggested that food person an innate consciousness of numbers like galore birds and mammals bash and are amazingly bully astatine mathematics. But these typically progressive tests specified arsenic idiosyncratic food choosing to articulation the largest of 2 shoals.
Critics accidental these experiments show lone that food person a consciousness of …
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