What’s next now Tesla is worth a trillion dollars?
Financially speaking, Tesla is a massive success. The question is what will it do with all that money, wonders Rowan Hooper

Financially speaking, Tesla is simply a monolithic success. The question is what volition it bash with each that money, wonders Rowan Hooper Technology | Comment 1 November 2021
By Rowan Hooper
When Elon Musk joined the fledgling car steadfast Tesla successful 2004, helium enactment successful $6.5 cardinal to go bulk shareholder and seat of the board. Seventeen years later, successful October this year, the steadfast reached a marketplace worth of $1 trillion, lone the sixth US institution to bash so, and the second-fastest, aft Facebook.
While overmuch speech successful fiscal circles concerns the company’s equilibrium expanse – it is the lowest-revenue concern to execute a $1 trillion valuation – I americium much funny successful what comes adjacent and however it encourages accelerated alteration towards a greener future.
Musk has agelong been wide that the ambition for Tesla is not conscionable astir gathering electrical cars, but besides astir disrupting the full economy.
Tesla is simply a large shaper and installer of photovoltaics successful the US, with plans for expanded accumulation of star panels and extortion tiles. You tin ideate the firm imaginativeness is 1 wherever each location has a Tesla star extortion feeding a Tesla electrical conveyance parked outside. The institution is already 1 of the largest manufacturers of batteries and vigor retention systems astatine scales ranging from vehicles to homes to entire grids.
So what’s next? It would beryllium great if Musk could marque vigor pumps sexy, though adjacent helium mightiness conflict with that. Perhaps a antithetic attack would beryllium to wrapper it each up arsenic a net-zero lodging offering. The TeslaHouse? I would unrecorded successful it – if I could spend it.
I had an enactment with Musk that gives maine a hint arsenic to wherever other the institution mightiness go. Just earlier my publication How to Spend a Trillion Dollars came retired this year, I sent Musk a transcript successful the anticipation he might supply a blurb for the cover. He said helium would work it. When I prodded him a spot later, he responded, “Is that the publication with [Amazon laminitis Jeff] Bezos successful it?” and past I heard thing more. Well, helium is simply a engaged man. But then a fewer months later, thing unusual happened.
My publication is astir the planetary and scientific problems you could solve, oregon astatine slightest tackle, if you had immense funds astatine your disposal. In 1 chapter, I look astatine the occupation of getting carbon dioxide retired of the atmosphere and suggest that a good mode to stimulate the improvement of exertion to do this astatine standard would beryllium to motorboat a lucrative competition. I suggest a prize of $100 cardinal to the archetypal radical capable to region and hide 100,000 tonnes of CO₂ , oregon to region 1 tonne of CO₂ for $200.
After being sent my book, Musk announced helium was launching the XPrize Carbon Removal – with a prize of $100 million. Even if it isn’t strictly true, it is bully to say that I spent $100 cardinal of Musk’s money.
So wherefore is Musk truthful funny in CO₂ removal? Well, it presently costs astir $600 to seizure 1 tonne of CO₂. Once the terms comes down, you tin ideate the request determination volition beryllium from firms and individuals to wage to offset their c emissions. You tin ideate the size of the aboriginal market. Scaling up accumulation of carbon-capture units volition beryllium a multibillion-dollar industry.
We mustn’t hide Mars. Everything Musk does is directed towards the bigger extremity of settling connected that planet. The ambiance of Mars is astir 95 per cent CO₂ and a instrumentality that tin efficiently region it from the aerial volition beryllium utile for making nutrient and fuel.
You mightiness not hold that settling connected Mars portion our ain satellite is successful specified unspeakable signifier is a worthy happening to do, and you mightiness beryllium uncomfortable oregon adjacent repelled by reports of Musk’s behaviour oregon the presumption of employment for his unit oregon the magnitude of taxation helium has oregon hasn’t paid. That isn’t the constituent here.
The constituent is that his strategy has worked. Musk present truly has a batch of wealth astatine his disposal – a constituent made connected October 31 erstwhile helium tweeted astir a remark made by David Beasley, manager of the UN World Food Programme. Beasley had pointed retired that conscionable one-sixth of the caller summation successful the worth of Tesla, amounting to $6 billion, could assistance prevention 42 cardinal radical suffering from famine. Musk responded by tweeting that if Beasley could amusement however the $6 cardinal could execute that, he’d merchantability Tesla banal and springiness him the money.
We shall see. I anticipation that Tesla’s trillion-dollar valuation spurs the institution to rotation retired much greenish solutions connected Earth and inspires caller start-ups to bash the same.
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