What Game Is The Xbox Game Pass Twitter Teasing?

2 years ago 239

Xbox Game Pass is Microsoft's Netflix-like video crippled subscription work and its room continues to turn with each passing month. This November alone, the work is gaining Forza Horizon 5, It Takes Two, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edition, and more. However, the accustomed monthly announcement of Xbox Game Pass titles isn't ever the lone slew of games we larn are coming to the service. 

Every present and then, Xbox likes to tease immoderate astonishment additions and today, the Xbox Game Pass Twitter relationship began to tease...something. 

Things are going to get a bit...orange this week.

Things are going to get a bit...orange this week

— Xbox Game Pass (@XboxGamePass) November 8, 2021

This instantly got our minds racing: what could this crippled be? Our archetypal thought was Valve Corporation's crippled collection, The Orange Box. Originally released successful 2007, The Orange Box included Half-Life 2 and its two episodes, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. This postulation was archetypal released connected PC and Xbox 360 earlier making its mode to the PlayStation 3 2 months later. While it's playable connected Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One consoles contiguous via backward compatibility, it's not presently connected Xbox Game Pass. Today's tease seems to bespeak it mightiness beryllium joining the lineup soon, though. 

But what if it's not that? Well, we person immoderate different ideas successful caput too. Maybe it's the newly-released Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, a Smash Bros.-like combatant starring characters from Nickelodeon TV series. If Nickelodeon is known for 1 happening (other than slime, of course), it's the colour orange. It joining Xbox Game Pass would beryllium a large mode to beef up the subordinate number and turn the excitement astir the fighter. 

Another celebrated "orange" successful video games is Crash Bandicoot. Perhaps  Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is coming to Xbox Game Pass. 

That's capable from us, though. We privation to perceive what you deliberation this spot of orangish coming to Xbox Game Pass sometime this week is. Do you besides deliberation it's The Orange Box? What bash you anticipation it is? Did we miss a classical orangish successful the satellite of video games? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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