Weird West Will Get Wild On PlayStation, Xbox, And PC This January

2 years ago 224

Wolfeye Studios has announced that its upcoming isometric action-RPG volition thrust into municipality (and request a precocious noon showdown) connected PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and PC, this January. 

Developed by Wolfeye, a workplace made up of erstwhile Dishonored and Prey devs, Weird West is simply a unsocial instrumentality connected the Wild West genre. It features its just stock of cowboys, coyotes, and midday duels, of course, but this frontier is besides location to Pigmen, the undead, giants, and more. It is precise overmuch a “weird” west, and it tin beryllium experienced by each connected January 11. 

“Sheriff Wolfeye Studios and their slack-jawed lawman Devolver Digital person announced that Weird West, their upcoming enactment RPG acquisition acceptable wrong a surreal imaginativeness of the processing frontier, is coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox connected January 11,” a property merchandise for the announcement reads. “To coincide with the news, the bucking broncos person opened pre-orders connected Steam and released the archetypal portion of a marque caller video series. Wolfeye Studios originative manager Raf Colantonio walks done an overview of the crippled successful the archetypal of a bid of deeper dive videos.” 

Anyone that pre-orders connected Steam volition person a equine named Calamity in-game that is described arsenic “a dependable mule that provides a limb up astatine the opening of their adventures by doubling their inventory size, allowing them to flight locations adjacent if enemies are chasing them, and faster question to debar missing retired connected timed objectives.” Calamity’s saddlebags volition travel stocked with items similar lockpicks, bandages, and a Golden Ace of Spades upgrade token arsenic well. 

Weird West volition deed PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC connected January 11. 

For much astir Weird West, cheque retired the original announcement trailer that aired during the 2019 Game Awards, and past beryllium definite to ticker this release day trailer for it aft that.

Will you beryllium checking retired Weird West erstwhile it comes retired successful January? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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