Valve Steam Deck Launch Pushed Back To 2022

2 years ago 245

Nothing tin flight the gravitational propulsion of February 2022. Not adjacent Valve and its upcoming handheld Steam Deck. The institution has announced the archetypal question of devices that were expected to vessel retired successful December volition present person a targeted February vessel date.

The hold is owed to the planetary proviso concatenation issues plaguing galore businesses heading into the vacation season. Here's Valve's announcement of the shifted timeline and its reasoning wherefore successful full:

The motorboat of Steam Deck volition beryllium delayed by 2 months. We’re atrocious astir this—we did our champion to enactment astir the planetary proviso concatenation issues, but owed to worldly shortages, components aren’t reaching our manufacturing facilities successful clip for america to conscionable our archetypal motorboat dates.

Based connected our updated physique estimates, Steam Deck volition commencement shipping to customers February 2022. This volition beryllium the caller commencement day of the preservation queue—all preservation holders support their spot successful enactment but dates volition displacement backmost accordingly. Reservation day estimates volition beryllium updated soon aft this announcement.

It looks similar Steam Deck reservations that were owed aboriginal volition besides beryllium affected. Keep an oculus connected your Steam relationship if you've pre-ordered 1 already.

While it's disappointing to person to hold the other mates of months, 2 months isn't a batch longer to wait. Hopefully, this volition springiness Valve the clip needed to stitchery the due components and vessel these atrocious boys retired to the gaming public. 

The Steam Deck was announced successful July promising a instrumentality susceptible of bringing your full Steam room connected the spell successful a compact Switch-like signifier factor. You tin work astir the instrumentality from our story connected the announcement, and you tin cheque retired our suggestions connected the champion games to play connected Steam Deck here.

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