Update: Free Burritos Not The Source Of Roblox's Ongoing Outage

2 years ago 234

Update: Roblox is inactive unplayable, and we inactive don't cognize erstwhile it volition travel back, but we present cognize escaped burritos person thing to bash with the crippled being offline. As jokes astir burritos sidesplitting Roblox ran rampant connected societal media, Roblox Corporation took to Twitter to update its community, which consists of implicit 43.2 regular progressive users.

"Still making advancement connected today’s outage," the tweet reads. "We’ll proceed to support you updated. Once again, we apologize for the delay. We cognize that this outage was not related to immoderate circumstantial experiences oregon partnerships connected the platform."

This messaging rules retired the Chipotle promotion, and yet leaves the full Roblox instrumentality basal successful the acheronian arsenic to what is going connected with their beloved game. Roblox's website is besides down, offering thing much than a static representation that reads, "We're making things much awesome. Be backmost soon."

Given conscionable however agelong this outage is, we're hoping Roblox Corporation comes guardant soon with accusation astir the what is happening to the game. Players are heavy invested successful this crippled – either with worlds they created oregon wealth they've sunk into it conscionable to play. Here's hoping it comes backmost soon. We seldom spot games spell offline for this long.

Original Story: Who doesn't privation a escaped burrito from Chipotle? This tasty accidental is presently being offered successful Roblox done a constricted Halloween-themed acquisition called the Chipotle Boorito Maze. On each time from October 8-31, the archetypal 30,000 radical who marque it done the maze to the Chipotle edifice volition triumph a escaped (and real) burrito.

We don't cognize wherefore Roblox is presently down, but the timing of it going offline for astir players lines up with this promotion, starring america to judge a question of players whitethorn beryllium overloading the servers oregon determination whitethorn beryllium immoderate occupation with this caller offering.

We cognize you’re having issues utilizing Roblox close now.

We’re atrocious and moving hard to get things backmost to normal.

— Roblox (@Roblox) October 29, 2021

After going offline past night, Roblox is present moving connected recovery efforts, stating that immoderate users are starting to person constricted entree to the crippled again. We're hoping it comes backmost online soon truthful we tin each spot this chaotic promotion with our ain eyes. It reminds america of Burger King's silly Sneak King crippled that was sold by the chain. Roblox players tin seemingly formal up successful a Chipotle-themed costume and are asked to way down ingredients successful the maze, each portion dodging monsters, too.

Have you earned your escaped boo-rito yet? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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