Thunderful Games Announces SteamWorld Headhunter, A 3D Sequel To SteamWorld Dig 2

2 years ago 235

Thunderful held a showcase contiguous featuring upcoming games from the steadfast including The Gunk (which holds a recently announced December merchandise date) and the Stadia timed-exclusive aquatic escapade Wavetale, which releases today. Capping disconnected the presumption was a little look astatine the adjacent section successful the SteamWorld franchise, SteamWorld Headhunter.

The teaser (which you tin ticker below) features 2 robotic cowboys featuring spectacular 'staches facing disconnected successful a acquainted pistol dueling position. You know, godforsaken town, precocious noon, and each of that. One automaton looks to person mislaid the shootout, and successful the process, mislaid his head. When the victor checks connected the deceased's condition, lone to find its caput is detached and flying astatine him with deadly intent. 

Thunderful isn't saying overmuch astir Headhunter different than it's a nonstop follow-up to "the (literally) earth-shattering events of SteamWorld Dig 2" and volition beryllium a afloat 3D, co-op enactment adventure experience. In grant of the announcement of Headhunter, SteamWorld Dig 2 is presently escaped to download connected Steam and GOG starting contiguous and lasting until tomorrow, November 11 astatine 11 a.m. Eastern. 

What bash you deliberation of the teaser for SteamWorld Headhunter? Are you funny successful seeing much of the aboveground world, oregon would you similar to excavation into the depths of the satellite immoderate more? Shovel your thoughts into the comments!

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