The Coolest Pokémon: Sword & Shield – Fusion Strike Cards We Pulled From Booster Packs

2 years ago 246

Earlier this month, the Pokémon Trading Card Game released its peculiar Celebrations expansion to observe the 25th day of the Pokémon franchise arsenic a whole. While that constricted enlargement was focused squarely connected the past, the satellite of Pokémon TCG pushes up with its newest expansion, Sword & Shield – Fusion Strike.

Earlier this year, The Pokémon Company released its Sword & Shield – Battle Styles expansion, which introduced a caller mechanic that allows players to usage peculiar variants of Pokémon to either present a knockout stroke oregon attack battles much strategically. This latest expansion, Sword & Shield – Fusion Strike, expands connected that mechanic with caller Fusion Strike cards that typically summation bonuses erstwhile different Pokémon with Fusion Strike are successful play. The thought is to fto players make synergies betwixt their Pokémon done Fusion Strike Style decks.

The Fusion Strike enlargement adds 20 Pokémon V, 13 full-art Pokémon V cards, and 8 Pokémon VMAX cards, including a fewer truly awesome Mew cards. In addition, players tin cod 20 caller Trainer cards, positive 7 full-art Supporter cards and 1 peculiar Energy card. 

The Pokémon Company sent america a ton of booster packs, which we cracked open. I noticed a definite accent connected Gen I Pokémon erstwhile it came to modular cards, but arsenic I look astatine the VMAX and full-art cards I pulled, the organisation crossed the generations feels beauteous even. As overmuch arsenic I loved the modular Lapras, Snorlax, and Arcanine cards I pulled retired of the packs (none of which are included successful the assemblage below), astir of the full-art cards I pulled were not from Gen I.

You tin spot my favourite cards I pulled from the newest enlargement below.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game: Sword & Shield – Fusion Strike enlargement is disposable November 12. For each things Pokémon Trading Card Game, caput to our peculiar hub by clicking connected the banner below!

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