The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance Heads To Consoles This Week

2 years ago 256

We yet cognize erstwhile The Binding of Isaac’s gigantic Repentance expansion makes its mode to consoles. Creator Edmund McMillen took to Twitter to denote the PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch versions motorboat this coming Thursday.

That’s November 4 if you don’t person a calendar nearby. In presumption of circumstantial platforms, Repentance is coming to PlayStation 5 and 4, Xbox Series X/S, and Switch. If you’re feeling near retired connected Xbox One, McMillen assured players the crippled volition deed that console “not agelong after.” He besides says to expect the carnal retail versions down the enactment too. 

The binding of Isaac: Repentance releases connected switch, ps5, ps4 and Xbox bid x THIS THURSDAY! ( nov. 4th ) Xbox 1 merchandise not agelong aft arsenic good arsenic retail releases with immoderate peculiar goodies!

— 🜏 Edmund McMillen 🜏 (@edmundmcmillen) November 2, 2021

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance launched connected PC this past March. Though not a sequel, it’s a monolithic enlargement to the archetypal crippled (as good arsenic its last update) that adds dozens of features and quality-of-life improvements. These see implicit 130 caller items, implicit 5,000 caller country designs, 100 further enemies, and implicit 25 caller bosses. You tin besides power 2 caller playable characters and gain implicit 100 added achievements. Repentance adjacent boasts a afloat alternate way with caller chapters, last boss, and ending.

Excited to springiness Repentance a shot? Let america cognize successful the comments!

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