Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: Masahiro Sakurai Not Thinking About Sequel, But Won’t Rule One Out

2 years ago 232

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate manager Masahiro Sakurai isn’t reasoning astir a sequel Smash Bros. game, but he’s besides not ruling 1 out...for now. 

Sakurai lone conscionable revealed Ultimate’s last fighter, Sora from Kingdom Hearts, past month and aft implicit 3 years of DLC development, it was presumed that Sakurai would instrumentality a well-earned rest. It seems he’s doing that, but it hasn’t stopped him from speculating connected the aboriginal of the Smash Bros. series.

In an contented of Japanese magazine Famitsu, Sakurai said he’s not presently reasoning astir a sequel to Ultimate, arsenic reported by Video Games Chronicle

“I’m not reasoning astir a sequel,” Sakurai said to Famitsu. “But I can’t accidental that this is decidedly the past Smash Bros.” 

Sakurai famously speculates connected the aboriginal of Smash Bros. pursuing the merchandise of each caller introduction successful the series, often saying said merchandise could beryllium his past Smash Bros. game. However, it seems he’s keeping the doorway to a sequel unfastened for now. He besides told Famitsu that he’s not definite determination is simply a aboriginal for Smash Bros. without him. 

“I can’t spot immoderate mode to nutrient Smash Bros. without me,” Sakurai said. “To beryllium honest, I’d similar to permission it to idiosyncratic else, and I’ve really tried that, but it hasn’t worked out. If we proceed the series, Nintendo and I request to sermon and earnestly see however to marque it a success.” 

The manager touches connected thing galore fans person speculated since Sora’s release: wherever does the bid spell from here? How bash you apical Ultimate, which features implicit 80 characters, galore from franchises not owned by Nintendo? It seems intolerable that aboriginal installments outdo Ultimate’s roster, but possibly a much foundational shake-up for Smash Bros. is needed. It’s thing Sakurai seems to beryllium wrestling with for now. 

For much astir Ultimate, work astir Sora’s reveal and past cheque retired this breakdown of why it’s cleanable that Sora is the last fighter. Read astir why Ultimate doesn’t person excessively galore “anime sword users” aft that. 

What bash you privation to spot from Super Smash Bros. successful the future? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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