Sony To ‘Aggressively Invest In Development Capabilities,’ More Acquisitions Likely On The Way

2 years ago 235

So far, 2021 has been a coagulated fiscal twelvemonth for Sony. The acquisitions of Returnal developer Housemarque, Nixxes Software (known for its first-party PC ports), Star Citizen’s Firesprite, and remaster heavyweight Bluepoint Games contributed to a 20% summation successful Sony’s full workforce.

According to VGC, this worker surge besides led to grounds gross numbers, arsenic noted successful the conglomerate’s second-quarter fiscal results. With this unprecedented level of success, Sony plans to “aggressively put successful improvement capabilities,” which apt means that much developer acquisitions are connected the way.

Hiroki Totoki, Sony’s enforcement lawman president and main fiscal officer, precocious spoke astir monetary occurrence and the adjacent steps. As Totoki enactment it, the caller studios nether the SIE umbrella are acclaimed for polished, engaging titles. And Nixxes Software, successful particular, volition yet assistance bring PlayStation games to different platforms.

“Going forward,” Totoki began, “We program to leverage these studios to summation the improvement capableness of PlayStation Studios and to usage the expertise indispensable to deploy games to PC and mobile devices.”

Totoki would travel that up by emphasizing SIE’s tendency to put successful its gaming arm. In fact, this subdivision has emerged arsenic Sony’s astir palmy part successful caller years. 

“As a effect of the acquisitions announced since the opening of this fiscal year, the fig of PlayStation studios volition summation by 4 to 16, and the fig of developers volition summation by astir 20%. We program to proceed to aggressively put successful our improvement capableness going forward.”

With Phil Spencer announcing Xbox’s ongoing ngo to grow its marque with more studios arsenic good arsenic software-focused increases past week, it’s absorbing (and expected) to spot Sony travel suit. 

[Source: Video Games Chronicle]

What studios would you similar to spot supported and added to the Sony fold? Let america cognize successful the comments section!

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