Shovel Knight Dig Will Be Released Next Year, New Scrap Knight Character Revealed

2 years ago 341

Yacht Club Games has announced that Shovel Knight Dig volition beryllium released successful 2022. 

Dig was announced mode backmost successful August of 2019 arsenic a caller instrumentality connected the massively fashionable Shovel Knight character. It inactive features the Shovel Knight millions person travel to emotion implicit the years, but Dig drops the classical 2D platformer consciousness for a much unsocial benignant of gameplay that draws connected titles similar Mr. Driller and Dig Dug. 

While a merchandise day for Dig was ne'er announced, it seems Yacht Club had 2021 successful caput considering they announced contiguous that Dig needs much clip and volition beryllium released adjacent year. 

“With 2021 coming to a close, we wanted to supply an update regarding Shovel Knight Dig,” a blog post from Yacht Club reads. “Development is going great, but we request a small much clip than our archetypal projected merchandise window. We look guardant to delving into Dig with you successful 2022.” 

To easiness the symptom of today’s news, though, Yacht Club besides revealed a caller quality successful Dig: Scrap Knight. 

“Picker successful hand, Scrap Knight sorts worthy valuables for merchantability and keeps the genuinely peculiar worldly slung implicit her enarthrosis successful an tremendous bag,” the blog station reads. “She has spent her caller days sifting done the shifting garbage heap known arsenic the Magic Landfill, a sorcerer’s rubbish heap located heavy beneath earth’s surface. The Hexcavators find her utile due to the fact that she tin retrieve astir anything, but Scrap Knight has ideas of her own. Make haste erstwhile digging done her mystical junk yard, information lurks successful the clutter.” 

Eagle-eyed fans mightiness already beryllium acquainted with Scrap Knight arsenic she makes an quality successful Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, the caller dungeon escapade crippled coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC this Winter. 

For much astir Shovel Knight, cheque retired what we learned from the archetypal Dig reveal and past work our thoughts connected the crippled that started it each successful Game Informer’s Shovel Knight review. Check retired this communicative astir the puzzle rogue-lite Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon aft that. 

Are you excited for Shovel Knight Dig? Let america cognize successful the comments below!




Yacht Club Games


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