Report: Take-Two Interactive Has Canceled A $53 Million Hangar 13 Game

2 years ago 235

Take-Two Interactive has reportedly canceled a $53 cardinal crippled that was being developed by Hangar 13. 

This quality comes by mode of Bloomberg, which reports that “people acquainted with the decision” person learned that “further improvement of an unannounced rubric successful its pipeline” has ended. Codenamed Volt, this crippled had reportedly gone done aggregate iterations since archetypal being conceived but ultimately, what led to its cancellation was the repeated “reboots, technological hiccups, and challenges caused by COVID-19,” Bloomberg reports. 

Volt’s improvement began successful 2017, and it was acceptable to beryllium centered astir assorted superheroes competing against each other. It would person featured an accent connected online gameplay. 

“It was acceptable to beryllium a caller intelligence spot for Hangar 13, but 2K executives didn’t spot it arsenic a worthwhile concern due to the fact that of the magnitude of clip needed successful improvement earlier it became a finished product,” Bloomberg’s study reads. 

There person been nary layoffs arsenic a effect of this astatine the clip of this writing, and Bloomberg reports that Hangar 13 employees volition conscionable Thursday successful Novata, California, wherever the workplace is based, to sermon what happens next. 

Bloomberg writer Jason Schreier, who wrote this report, tweeted retired further details astir the canceled task and those affected. He said Hangar 13 unit successful California learned contiguous via email that Volt was canceled, and helium besides noted that immoderate non-US unit members learned of this news from his report. 

Schreier besides said this canceled crippled was not Mafia 4, which immoderate thought Hangar 13 was processing according to rumors. He said Mafia 4 rumors “were ever false, speech from their aboriginal attempts successful 2016-2017.

[Source: Bloomberg]

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