Prey Is A New Predator Movie Set 300 Years In The Past, Will Stream On Hulu Next Year

2 years ago 224

There are movie franchises that volition apt ne'er instrumentality a interruption – Halloween, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and contempt what Vin Diesel says, astir apt Fast & Furious, to sanction a fewer – and it seems Predator is 1 of them. 

That’s due to the fact that a caller Predator movie is owed retired adjacent year, arsenic reported by IndieWire connected Twitter. Titled Prey, it’s being directed by 10 Cloverfield Lane director, Dan Trachtenberg, and it volition watercourse connected Hulu sometime successful 2022. It’s unclear based connected IndieWire’s wording if the movie is streaming exclusively connected Hulu oregon if it volition simply watercourse connected the work and deed theaters adjacent year. 

The caller #Predator movie from "10 Cloverfield Lane" manager Dan Trachtenberg is officially titled #Prey and volition watercourse connected Hulu successful 2022. The movie is acceptable 300 years agone and follows a skilled Comanche Nation warrior who protects her people against a highly-evolved alien predator.

— IndieWire (@IndieWire) November 12, 2021

Prey is acceptable to diagnostic a unsocial instrumentality connected the Predator series. Rather than plopping a Predator down into modern-day, the 1980s, oregon adjacent immoderate clip successful the future, Trachtenberg’s instrumentality connected the alien foe volition instrumentality spot 300 years successful the past. More specifically, it volition halfway astir a “skilled Comanche Nation warrior who protects her people against a highly-evolved alien predator,” according to IndieWire

Oddly enough, there’s different “Prey” retired determination that centers astir an Indigenous quality who’s tasked with warring against alien foes. It’s the 2006 video game developed by Human Head Studios. Perhaps we tin each unreal this Predator movie is the Prey sequel we ne'er got (although Arkane’s 2017 Prey was a large crippled – it conscionable wasn’t the sequel to 2006’s Prey galore wanted). 

While waiting for Prey to deed Hulu adjacent year, cheque retired Predator: Hunting Grounds, which was a escaped PlayStation Plus crippled successful October. You tin work our thoughts connected it successful Game Informer’s Predator: Hunting Grounds review. If you similar aliens to predators, cheque retired Game Informer’s Alien: Isolation review.  

Are you excited for Prey? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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