PRESS RELEASES: A Strategic and Efficient Form of PR

1 year ago 271


When you think about PR, you probably picture something like this: A company sends out an email, blog post or press release with a newsworthy announcement. The company's message is then distributed to various media outlets and published online for everyone to see. But what exactly is a press release example? And why are they important? As a journalist who often writes about topics related to communications strategy and tactics, it's my job to be as clear as possible on these questions—and also share some tips so that our readers can learn how best use PR as well!

What is a press release?

A press release is an official announcement issued to the news media and beyond. It can be written or recorded, but it must include all of the information required by journalists who are writing about your company. The main purpose of a news release example is to inform people about something that has happened or will happen in the future, so it needs to clearly describe what you did and when (and if).

To ensure that your press releases are effective and efficient, they should contain these five key elements:

  • Positioning - This section briefly describes why your organization exists; who you are; what you do; where you're located; how old/young/etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

Why do I need a press release?

You may have heard of a press release, but what does it actually do? A press release is an announcement of newsworthy events and information. It’s designed to get media coverage for your business, attract attention from consumers and help promote your products or services.

media release example can also be used to build credibility with potential clients by informing the public about an organization in a positive light via articles published in newspapers and magazines, as well as radio stations that broadcast stories about companies or events happening at certain locations.

How should I write a press release?

  • Use an active voice. The most common mistake in writing a sample press release template is to use passive language, such as “the company was considered” or “the firm was ranked.” Instead, write as if you are giving an oral presentation and talk about what happened rather than letting your reader do the work for you (i.e., inform them).

  • Use simple language, short sentences and bullet points when possible; avoid jargon or acronyms unless they're absolutely necessary to convey your message clearly and concisely without losing its impact on the reader's mind (i.e., don't use "FOMO" unless it's necessary).

  • Avoid using adverbs for emphasis; instead try using nouns instead—this will make your writing more engaging for people who are interested in learning more about how this company operates from its perspective instead of just from their own point-of-view

A press release is an official announcement (written or recorded) that an organization issues to the news media and beyond. Whether we call it a "press release," a "press statement," a "news release," or a "media release," we're always talking about the same basic thing.

A press release is an official announcement (written or recorded) that an organization issues to the news media and beyond. Whether we call it a "press release," a "press statement," a "news release," or a "media release," we're always talking about the same basic thing: an announcement of something new.

Examples include announcing new products, services, events and/or hires; announcing partnerships with other companies; etc.


So, if you’re ready to start writing them regularly and consistently, then go ahead and get started. There are many sources of information out there, but remember: the only way to find what works best for your company is by trial and error! Try different approaches until you find one that feels right (and remember: don’t give up). The important thing is that as soon as possible—sooner than later—you should start publishing these pieces in order to get them into circulation immediately so they can start spreading your message before anyone else gets wind of it!

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