PlatinumGames’ Vertical Shoot ‘Em Up, Sol Cresta, Delayed

2 years ago 218

PlatinumGames’ vertical sprout ‘em up, Sol Cresta, which is simply a resurrection of a bid implicit 30 years old, has been delayed.

This quality comes by mode of PlatinumGames’ “Sol Cresta: Hideki Kamiya’s Very Sorry Stream,” which aired today, arsenic reported by Eurogamer. The watercourse featured caller gameplay of Sol Cresta, but PlatinumGames’ main crippled designer, Kamiya, besides revealed that it would miss its December merchandise date. 

Kamiya said helium does not person a caller merchandise day to uncover conscionable yet, but helium hopes to denote it aboriginal adjacent year. 

Back erstwhile Sol Cresta was announced, it was revealed arsenic a successor to Moon Cresta and Terra Cresta, vertical-scrolling arcade games primitively developed by Nichibutsu. Sol Cresta volition travel successful the footsteps of erstwhile Cresta games successful that it volition diagnostic spaceships flying done galaxies, taking retired enemies, and much successful classical vertical-shooter arcade fashion. It volition besides let players to dock with allies, conscionable similar the archetypal games did astir 40 years ago. 

At the clip of Sol Cresta’s announcement backmost successful August, Kamiya said “we privation to marque each kinds of games...not conscionable enactment games.” PlatinumGames is possibly champion known for what it does connected the enactment broadside of gaming – Nier Automata, Astral Chain, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, to sanction a fewer – but it seems the workplace is utilizing Sol Cresta to beryllium it tin bash vertical shooters, too. 

As noted by Eurogamer, Kamiya’s watercourse featured gameplay of Sol Cresta’s caller Caravan Mode, which is simply a five-minute people onslaught mode. Kamiya besides debuted its opening cutscene, too. 

Sol Cresta was primitively acceptable to deed PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and PC connected December 9, but is present delayed to an unannounced day sometime successful the future.

Will you beryllium playing Sol Cresta erstwhile it's released? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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