Phil Spencer Sees Elder Scrolls 6 As An Xbox Exclusive

2 years ago 231

The immense benefits of the Xbox-Bethesda acquisition proceed to trickle down arsenic caller IPs (Starfield) and upcoming chapters successful revolutionary franchises (Elder Scrolls VI) are being developed for next-gen technology. At E3, we learned that the erstwhile volition beryllium an Xbox exclusive and Day One Game Pass addition. Information surrounding the adjacent Elder Scrolls title, however, has been much harder to travel across. Still, a GQ interrogation with Xbox’s starring antheral Phil Spencer unearthed immoderate breathtaking caller details astir Bethesda’s flagship video crippled series. Nothing is confirmed yet, but Phil Spencer envisions Elder Scrolls VI arsenic an Xbox exclusive. 

This exclusivity would beryllium a groundbreaking determination for the games assemblage and the occidental RPG country if cleared. “Starfield, arguably the biggest crippled of 2022, volition beryllium Xbox and PC only,” the GQ nonfiction reads. “Spencer says helium sees the aforesaid for The Elder Scrolls VI.” Spencer himself went connected to accidental that having sole rights to some highly-anticipated Bethesda titles isn’t astir “punishing immoderate different platform.” Instead, “In bid to beryllium connected Xbox, I privation america to beryllium capable to bring the afloat implicit bundle of what we have. And that would beryllium existent erstwhile I deliberation astir Elder Scrolls VI. That would beryllium existent erstwhile I deliberation astir immoderate of our franchises.”

The Elder Scrolls VI mightiness usage the aforesaid overhauled motor arsenic Starfield, but its merchandise is inactive acold off. Todd Howard confirmed that the crippled is inactive successful its “design phase.” This, of course, is simply a small deflating, considering the first teaser was released 3 years ago. On the different hand, Starfield drops adjacent twelvemonth connected November 11 for Xbox Series X/S and PC. 

Do you deliberation the Elder Scrolls VI volition beryllium an exclusive, oregon is that simply wishful thinking? Drop your theories successful the comments conception below!

[Source: GQ]

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