Outriders Presentation To Reveal ‘Colossal’ Free Update

2 years ago 223

Developer People Can Fly volition aerial its archetypal Outriders Broadcast since the crippled launched connected April 1. The presumption volition springiness fans a peek astatine a “colossal” escaped contented update hitting the cooperative shooter successful the adjacent future.

People Can Fly provides nary different hints arsenic to what this update entails. If you’ve enjoyed Outriders and the thought of playing much of it sounds appealing, you’ll request to tune into Square Enix’s Twitch channel this Monday, November 15 astatine 9:00 a.m. Pacific/12:00 p.m. Eastern.  

Outriders has been comparatively quiescent the past fewer months successful presumption of large updates. Outside of squashing bugs, stabilizing servers, and tinkering with loot drops, People Can Fly has kept immoderate large enlargement plans adjacent to the vest until now. The crippled has felt a spot forgotten as a effect contempt earning a 9 retired of 10 reappraisal score from america astatine launch. Outriders is an entertaining co-op shooter, particularly alongside friends, truthful we’re excited to spot what People Can Fly has successful store. 

Outriders is disposable present connected PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC. The crippled is besides portion of Xbox Game Pass connected some console and PC. 

Are you inactive playing Outriders? If not, what benignant of contented update would entice you to return? Let america cognize successful the comments!

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