Nintendo Happy With Upcoming Mario Film, More Movies Likely On The Way

2 years ago 230

Nintendo is reportedly blessed with the upcoming CG Mario movie being made by Despicable Me and Minions studio Illumination, and according to Shigeru Miyamoto, much movies based connected Nintendo properties could beryllium connected the way. 

This quality comes by mode of Video Games Chronicle, which reported connected the latest Q&A league conception of Nintendo’s caller fiscal results briefing. In it, Miyamoto told investors that the upcoming Mario movie is fundamentally done and that Nintendo is feeling precise affirmative astir it. 

Don’t get excessively excited conscionable yet, though – Nintendo doesn’t program connected releasing the movie aboriginal contempt it being fundamentally done. It’s inactive planned for Holiday 2022. Miyamoto reportedly said that Nintendo truly wants to conscionable fans’ expectations with this Mario movie and that arsenic a result, it volition usage the other clip to proceed polishing the movie up of its merchandise adjacent year. 

Elsewhere successful Miyamoto’s discussions astir the movie, helium said that Nintendo is readying ot marque much movies based connected its different properties, citing a tendency for radical to acquisition said properties successful a assortment of ways (rather than conscionable video games). He said Nintendo volition marque each movie 1 by one, though, truthful arsenic not to person aggregate successful production, which could impact each’s quality. 

These comments travel conscionable days aft rumors of a Donkey Kong movie headed by Seth Rogen, who is voicing Donkey Kong successful the Mario movie, began to swirl around, arsenic noted by VGC. Only clip volition archer what the adjacent Nintendo movie is, but considering Donkey Kong and Cranky Kong, who volition beryllium voiced by Fred Armisen, person already been cast, a Donkey Kong movie sounds similar a harmless bet. 

While waiting to larn much astir Nintendo’s movie plans, cheque retired the afloat formed database for the upcoming Mario movie

[Source: Video Games Chronicle]

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