Niantic’s Harry Potter AR Game, Wizards Unite, Will Be Shut Down This January

2 years ago 234

Since the motorboat of Niantic’s extremely-successful Pokemon Go augmented world game, galore others similar it person stepped up to the plate, including immoderate different AR takes by Niantic arsenic well. 

The company’s latest AR title, Pikmin Bloom, conscionable launched this week. Today, though, Niantic and Portkey Games person announced that Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, 1 of the galore AR games that launched implicit the years, volition unopen down connected January 31, 2022. Before that, though, Wizards Unite volition beryllium removed from the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store, and the Samsung Galaxy Store connected December 6. In-app purchases volition extremity connected that time arsenic well. 

“When we launched Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, our imaginativeness was to let players to acquisition the wizarding satellite close successful their real-world surroundings arsenic they stepped extracurricular and explored their neighborhoods,” Niantic and Portkey’s blog post reads. “Over the years, millions of witches and wizards astir the globe person embarked connected real-world adventures, coming unneurotic to support magic hidden harmless wrong the wizarding satellite portion joining forces to instrumentality connected The Unforgiveable.”

With Wizards Unite coming to an extremity successful conscionable a fewer months, Portkey has made immoderate gameplay changes that are present unrecorded in-game today: 

  • All Daily Assignment volition person their rewards increased. 
  • All Potion Brew times volition beryllium reduced by 50% with Master Notes. 
  • The regular headdress connected sending and opening Gifts volition beryllium removed. 
  • Barrufio’s Brain Elixir potion volition present grant 3X subordinate XP. 
  • 1920s Portkey Portmanteaus volition look connected the representation much frequently, and associated Fragment rewards volition beryllium doubled. 
  • Spell Energy and Ingredients volition look connected the representation much frequently. 

Some in-game events volition spell unrecorded successful Wizards Unite’s last months, too. Here’s what you tin expect:

  • November:
    • Dolores Umbridge Lethal Adversaries Event
    • Half-Blood Prince Brilliant Event Part 1
    • Lucius Malfoy Lethal Adversaries Event
    • Half-Blood Prince Brilliants Event Part 2
  • December
    • Bellatrix Lethal Adversaires Event
    • Horcrux Hunt Part 2
    • Voldemort Lethal Adversaires Event
    • Deathly Hallows Brilliant Event Part 1
    • Holiday Event
    • Deathly Hallows Brilliant Event Part 2
  • January
    • We’ll stock much details regarding further crippled changes that’ll hap during the period of January. 

For much astir Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, cheque retired Game Informer’s review of it and past work astir however Hogwarts Legacy, the upcoming Warner Bros. RPG acceptable successful the satellite of Harry Potter, was delayed to 2022. Be definite to watch the latest Hogwarts Legacy trailer aft that.

Did you play Harry Potter: Wizards Unite? Let america cognize what you thought of it successful the comments below!

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