New League of Legends Rhythm Game, Hextech Mayhem, Announced and It’s Coming To Netflix Too

2 years ago 223

Riot Games has announced Hextech Mayhem, A League of Legends Story, which is simply a caller rhythm-based crippled coming to Switch and PC adjacent week. 

Revealed today, Hextech Mayhem is described by Riot arsenic a “fast-paced bushed runner” acceptable successful the satellite of League of Legends, arsenic reported by Eurogamer. It specifically takes spot successful Piltover, and there’s going to beryllium a batch of bombs successful the city, courtesy of Ziggs. 

“From Choice Provisions comes Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story, a fast-paced bushed runner acceptable successful Piltover wherever each enactment has an explosive absorption and nary magnitude of mayhem is excessively much,” the statement for the announcement trailer reads. “Play arsenic Ziggs connected a quest to physique the top weaponry the satellite has ever seen portion outrunning no-fun-allowed Heimerdinger.”

As noted successful the description, Bit. Trip Runner developer, Choice Provisions, which is besides the workplace down the Runner series, is processing Hextech Mayhem. What’s absorbing astir that is that it seemingly indicates Riot is continuing to instrumentality inspiration from Nintendo and allowing third-party developers (particularly those that skew much indie) to make games acceptable successful the satellite of its usually first-party-developed IP. Nintendo did this with Brace Yourself Games and their bushed instrumentality connected The Legend of Zelda successful Cadence of Hyrule

According to Eurogamer, Riot’s ain in-house publisher, Riot Forge, is dedicated to releasing games acceptable successful the League of Legends universe, “all developed by other, non-Riot studios.” Hextech Mayhem hails from Riot Forge, too. 

Another absorbing portion of accusation astir Hextech Mayhem is that it volition beryllium coming to Switch and PC adjacent week connected November 16. After that, though, it volition beryllium coming to Netflix astatine a aboriginal date, Riot told Eurogamer. This seems to bespeak that Netflix and Riot’s League of Legends narration volition proceed beyond the currently-airing Arcane series. It’s nary astonishment the 2 privation this narration to continue, either, arsenic the animated Arcane bid acceptable successful the satellite of League of Legends is reviewing truly well, by some critics and fans too

While waiting for Hextech Mayhem to beryllium released adjacent week, work astir however Riot is celebrating League of Legends’ Netflix series, Arcane, passim each of November and past check retired this trailer from the series. Read astir however League of Legends champion, Jinx, arsenic precocious added to Fortnite aft that. 

[Source: Eurogamer]

Will you beryllium checking retired Hextech Mayhem? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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