Magic: The Gathering Celebrates A Bloody Vampire Wedding With Crimson Vow

2 years ago 222

Preview play for the newest Magic: The Gathering set, Innistrad: Crimson Vow, begins today. Wizards of the Coast conscionable wrapped a watercourse showing disconnected each the basics of the upcoming expansion, the 2nd acceptable taking spot connected the level of Innistrad this year. What’s happening successful Crimson Vow? What mechanics tin players expect? Is determination thing breathtaking for paper collectors? Look nary further! You tin find each of those answers below.

The Lore of Crimson Vow

In a precocious unprecedented move, WOTC is releasing a 5th modular ineligible acceptable this twelvemonth and a sequel of sorts to the erstwhile one, Midnight Hunt. Innistrad’s fearfulness mounting and tropes are precise overmuch a favourite of Magic players. Instead of making a speedy sojourn to the plane, we get 2 afloat expansions; each centered connected the world’s much fashionable tribes: Werewolves, and present a absorption connected Vampires successful Crimson Vow.

Continuing the communicative from Midnight Hunt, wherever the humans failed successful preventing the level from being plunged into the eternal night, Vampires are acceptable to thrive successful the neverending darkness. One caput of a vampire clan, Olivia Volderan, has taken an artifact known arsenic the Moonsilver Key, a constituent needed to reconstruct time to the plane. Of course, being a nightwalker, Olivia would alternatively usage the cardinal to summation powerfulness and power among the vampire clans.

Olivia Voldaren and successful her wedding garb, featuring a veil made of souls

Cue the crux of Crimson Vow: Olivia Voldaren’s opulent vampire wedding to different blood-drinking household leader, the long-slumbering Edgar Markov, the progenitor of each vampires connected Innistrad. Wedding Edgar and uniting the 2 astir salient vampire families volition enactment Olivia Voldaren successful a presumption of unthinkable power.

The Planeswalkers connected Innistrad from the Midnight Hunt return, but those who did not person cards successful that acceptable volition beryllium represented successful Crimson Vow. Expect caller Planeswalker cards for Chandra Nalaar, Kaya, and of course, the vampire Planeswalker Sorin Markov, with Teferi, Arlinn Kord, and possibly Wrenn playing a portion successful the story. Can the heroic radical of Planeswalkers halt Olivia’s plan, retrieve the Moonsilver Key, and reconstruct equilibrium to Innistrad? The reply volition astir apt beryllium recovered successful the cards.

Crimson Vow's Mechanics

A fewer mechanics volition return, bridging the spread from Midnight Hunt, including Disturb and Daybound/Nightbound which you tin learn astir here. A 3rd mechanic technically counts arsenic a returning mechanic, though it comes from different level altogether…


Making its mode backmost to Magic from the Khans of Tarkir artifact is simply a elemental but flavorful mechanic: Exploit. Cards with Exploit fto the subordinate sacrifice a carnal they power for effects to occur. While the keyword costs a carnal connected your committee to beryllium consumed, you payment from the effect elaborate connected the Exploit card, arsenic good arsenic letting you play into immoderate sacrifice oregon graveyard synergies your platform whitethorn beryllium built around. In the lawsuit of Fell Stinger, Exploit allows a people subordinate to gully 2 cards and suffer 2 life.

Now for the caller mechanics debuting in Crimson Vow:

Blood Tokens

These artifact tokens autumn into a akin household to Clues, Food, oregon Treasures. Blood Tokens are artifacts you tin wage 1 mana for, tap, discard a card, and sacrifice the token to gully a card. Mana-wise, it’s cheaper than a hint to gully a card, though you bash person to suffer thing from your hand. However, with galore strategies successful Innistrad sets, you sometimes privation cards successful your graveyard for grander purposes. I expect to beryllium pitching plentifulness of Disturb cards into the graveyard utilizing these Blood Tokens.


In 1 of the much absorbing ways Wizards has recovered to little the quality number connected a card, Cleave lets players chopped retired bracketed words successful a card's rules substance for an alternate mana cost.

Here’s an example: Dig Up is simply a paper for 1 greenish mana that says “Search your room for a [basic land] card, [reveal it,] enactment it into your hand, past shuffle.” If you wage the four-mana Cleave cost, you disregard the bracketed words making the paper alternatively work arsenic “Search your room for a card, enactment it into your hand, past shuffle.” No longer does the paper being searched necessitate to beryllium a basal land, nor bash you person to uncover it. Find immoderate paper and enactment it successful your hand—a precise almighty upgrade. I’m astir excited to spot what different chill effects Cleave volition uncover hidden wrong different cards in Crimson Vow.


Humans person an uphill conflict to combat aft losing daytime altogether connected the level and being overwhelmed by the horrors and monsters of Innistrad. The caller keyword Training volition surely assistance bolster their forces. Training’s rules substance reads, “Whenever this carnal attacks with different carnal with greater power, enactment a +1/+1 antagonistic connected this creature.” It’s benignant of similar a reverse Mentor from 2018’s Guilds of Ravnica. Some creatures volition besides person an added payment erstwhile they “train,” similar Savior of Ollenbeck, which exiles a carnal from the battlefield oregon graveyard whenever the effect triggers.

Showcase Frames and Alternate Art Treatments

Crimson Vow’s vampire-only Showcase frames thin heavy into the luxury of the carnal benignant and Olivia’s impending wedding. Wizards telephone this caller attraction the “Fang Frame” featuring, well, fang-like adornments and ornate filigree astir the borderline of the art.

What’s astir breathtaking astir these is the Fang Frame mentation of Sorin The Mirthless, which you tin laic your eyes connected above. Your eyes don’t deceive you, Sorin does benignant of look similar Alucard. That’s due to the fact that famed Castlevania artist, Ayami Kojima, was hired to overgarment a rendition of everyone’s favourite vampire prince. And she perfectly knocked it retired of the park!

Black and achromatic horror-inspired Eternal Night cards instrumentality from Midnight Hunt arsenic good and are featured connected legendary creatures that are not vampiric by nature. Below you tin spot the alternate are for Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, which makes its instrumentality to Standard for the archetypal clip successful astir a decade! Ten further full-art basal onshore cards with caller creation utilizing this benignant tin beryllium recovered successful booster packs arsenic well.

All of the supra creation treatments tin beryllium recovered successful immoderate Innistrad: Crimson Vow booster pack. Whether it’s a Draft, Set, Theme, oregon Collector’s booster; you person a accidental to propulsion these awesome versions from anywhere.

Dracula Series

2020’s Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths marked the precise archetypal clip alternate named cards with creation from a non-Magic spot were printed with Godzilla characters. With Crimson Vow, Wizards is tapping into the astir iconic vampire of each time, Dracula. These alternate art, alternately-named cards are functional copies of the in-universe Crimson Vow cards, lone these diagnostic the names and creation of characters from Bram Stoker’s Dracula novel. Above, you tin spot the alternate mentation of Sorin, which is Dracula himself, and beneath is Sister of the Undead, the Dracula Series mentation of Olivia, Crimson Bride.

Dracula has been interpreted successful galore ways implicit the years successful countless movies, TV shows, games, and books. Wizards took the creation absorption from the source, the archetypal novel, truthful each small item connected each of the characters is pulled from the words written by Bram Stoker himself. 

These cards volition lone beryllium recovered successful 2 places: collector's boosters and arsenic container toppers for booster boxes. Any benignant of booster container volition travel with one Dracula Series paper packed successful the box.


Commander decks for Crimson Vow volition implicit the acceptable started successful Midnight Hunt with 2 caller 100 paper premade decks featuring Vampires and Spirits, respectively. Also continuing from Midnight Hunt is the inclination Wizards acceptable successful inserting Commander-focused cards successful Set and Collector’s boosters that cannot beryllium recovered anyplace else. These cards see Wedding Ring, a caller achromatic artifact that enables an further paper draw, an enactment typically lacking successful that color.

Crimson Vow volition beryllium disposable connected Magic: The Gathering Arena connected November 11, with pre-release events starting astatine section crippled stores connected November 12. The authoritative merchandise for the carnal acceptable volition beryllium the week aft connected November 19.

And that's each of the large quality coming retired of today's Magic: The Gathering Innistrad: Crimson Vow uncover event! Let america cognize what you deliberation of the caller set. Are you aiming to propulsion that unthinkable Ayami Kojima Sorin similar I am? Give america your thoughts successful the comments below!

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