Krafton, The Company Behind PUBG, Acquires Subnautica Developer Unknown Worlds Entertainment

2 years ago 227

Krafton, Inc., has announced that it is going to get Unknown Worlds Entertainment, the developer down Subnautica. 

This quality comes by mode of a press release connected Krafton’s site, which reveals that it decided contiguous that it is going to get Unknown Worlds. Krafton says this acquisition continues the company’s strategy of expanding and securing top-tier endowment nether its umbrella of studios. 

“This latest determination continues Krafton’s enlargement strategy of securing and investing successful top-tier endowment that aspires to evolve, innovate, and make caller experiences,” the property merchandise reads. “Unknown Worlds becomes Krafton’s sixth autarkic studio, joining a unchangeable of different seasoned developers that see PUBG Studios, Striking Distance Studios, Bluehole Studio, RisingWings, and Dreamotion.”

As noted above, Krafton is the institution down Striking Distance Studios, which is processing The Callisto Protocol, the sci-fi fearfulness crippled developed by Dead Space co-creator Glen Schofield acceptable successful the PUBG universe. Now, Krafton has different fearfulness (look, trying to past underwater successful Subnautica is scary) developer nether its umbrella successful Unknown Worlds. 

“It was instantly evident however intimately Unknown Worlds and Krafton are aligned successful the mode we deliberation astir games and crippled development,” Unknown Worlds CEO Charlie Cleveland says successful the property release. “Subnautica and PUBG some started humbly and evolved successfully done changeless iteration and feedback. We privation to bring caller games to the satellite signifier – and with Krafton, we’re a large measurement closer. We’re genuinely looking guardant to our aboriginal together.” 

Krafton says Unknown Worlds volition proceed to enactment arsenic an autarkic studio, contempt the acquisition, arsenic it wants the studio’s operation and enactment to stay successful spot truthful that it tin clasp its “unique originative identity.” The property merchandise besides reveals that Unknown Worlds is “currently moving connected a caller genre-defining game, which is slated to motorboat into aboriginal entree successful 2022.” 

No different details astir this crippled present successful improvement were revealed, but with it launching into aboriginal entree adjacent year, it seems it volition travel the way of Subnautica: Below Zero. While waiting to spot what that crippled is, cheque retired our thoughts connected Subnautica successful Game Informer’s Subnautica review and past work our thoughts connected its frozen sequel in Game Informer’s Subnautica: Below Zero review.

Do you privation to spot a Subnautica conflict royale? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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