Join Game Informer, MinnMax, and Easy Allies For Extra Life 2021 Charity Stream!

2 years ago 232


It's that clip of twelvemonth again! The full Game Informer unit is coming unneurotic with MinnMax for a massive, 25-hour unrecorded stream, implicit with uncommon auctions and chaotic antics. This year, we'll besides beryllium joined by a fewer members from the Easy Allies team, truthful this enactment could get beauteous rowdy! Click present to donate to Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare close now!

Last year, we raised implicit $40,000 for Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare during our Extra Life livestream. This twelvemonth you tin beryllium a portion of each the amusive by watching or playing with us. 

Starting connected November 6 astatine 8 a.m. CST, we'll stream for 25 hours to rise wealth for Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare successful Saint Paul, Minnesota! We'll beryllium playing a assortment of chaotic games, auctioning disconnected respective crippled codes, and getting up to a clump of hijinx. Donate close present for a bully cause by clicking here! You tin travel each the enactment connected and Twitch.

Donate NOW! 



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Get Involved

If you privation to get progressive and rise immoderate wealth for Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare successful St. Paul, Minnesota, you tin click present to articulation Game Informer's Extra Life team oregon donate close present for a bully cause. We request your enactment again this year, truthful get acceptable to bug each of your friends astir our stream.

DonatE NOW!

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