Hands-On With Weird West – A Frontier Worth Exploring

2 years ago 227

Weird West is the upcoming isometric twin-stick shooter from Wolfeye Studios, a comparatively caller developer headed by erstwhile Prey and Dishonored co-creators. It doesn’t instrumentality agelong to consciousness their immersive sim handprints. In fact, erstwhile you’re done the basics of Weird West’s twin-stick shooter action, the aforesaid combat script acquisition successful games similar Dishonored makes an appearance, and it’s a delight. 

Do you spell successful guns blazing with your shotgun and spray and commune until everyone’s dead? If so, hopefully, you’ve looted immoderate dormant coyotes for nutrient oregon stocked up connected bandages successful town. Or bash you instrumentality a stealthier route? Hopefully, you’ve spotted the poison tube connected the cliff that you tin footwear onto the enemies below, which damages them and allows you to astonishment them with immoderate bullets. 

Regardless of what you determine to do, combat plays retired the aforesaid mode mechanically. You usage either your WASD keys oregon your near joystick to determination astir the country and your rodent oregon close instrumentality to purpose a sightline on-screen successful classical twin-stick shooter fashion. Different guns person antithetic ranges and harm outputs, and fortunately, switching betwixt them is casual adjacent successful the vigor of an aggravated battle. I particularly similar that Weird West isn’t ace generous with ammunition, too, due to the fact that it forced maine to rhythm done each the weapons astatine my disposal rather often.

In my mates of hours with Weird West, it was these combat scenarios that intrigued maine most. I began to presumption them arsenic tiny puzzles that doubled arsenic opportunities to weapon down immoderate section pack members, and successful doing so, Weird West’s much immersive sim-nature shined. 

Weird West’s puzzle-like twin-stick shooter combat wasn’t the lone happening that piqued my interest. It features a beauteous (lightly) cel-shaded creation benignant that feels particularly chiseled acknowledgment to Weird West’s 3 isometric presumption points – far-out camera angle, a mid-angle, and a adjacent zoom. Its synth-ish euphony reminded maine of John Carpenter’s Halloween, which adds a interaction of fearfulness to Weird West’s vibe. 

The lone facet of Weird West I recovered somewhat lacking was the narrative. Admittedly, I lone played a precise tiny information of the game, truthful things could alteration erstwhile the afloat communicative is unfastened to me. However, close now, the bounty-hunter-coming-out-of-retirement storyline was the blandest portion of my clip with Weird West. That’s not to accidental the existent dialog in-game was unsmooth – I rather enjoyed that, and I liked the broadside quests presented to maine arsenic well. I conscionable privation the overarching communicative was arsenic captivating aboriginal connected arsenic the remainder of the game.

With its distinctive instrumentality connected the Wild West, which feels similar an alternate epoch wherever werewolves and the undead were arsenic overmuch a portion of mundane beingness arsenic coyotes and cattle, Weird West is doing a batch to request my attention, adjacent with a fewer drawbacks. I’ll person my oculus connected the crippled erstwhile it releases adjacent twelvemonth for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC connected January 11

Will you beryllium checking retired Weird West? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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