Halo The Series: First Teaser Trailer Released During Xbox 20th Anniversary Showcase

2 years ago 257

The archetypal teaser trailer for Microsoft and Xbox’s upcoming Halo TV bid has been released and it features conscionable a tiny snippet of what we tin expect successful the afloat show. 

Set to motorboat connected Paramount+ adjacent year, the amusement follows Master Chief, played by Pablo Schreiber, and Cortana, voiced by Jen Taylor. The teaser itself isn’t thing excessively chaotic – it features astir what you’d expect from a Halo TV bid teaser – but it’s inactive neat to spot Master Chief’s iconic helmet successful a live-action format specified arsenic this. 

You tin cheque it retired above – arsenic you tin see, it’s abbreviated and sweet, featuring a little glimpse astatine Schreiber’s Master Chief and the dependable of Taylor’s Cortana. 

Elsewhere successful the cast, we cognize that Natascha McElhone, of Californication fame, volition beryllium playing Dr. Halsey, the idiosyncratic liable for turning John 117 into the Master Chief we each cognize and emotion today. Little other is known astir the show, however, but we’ll larn much sometime adjacent twelvemonth erstwhile Halo hits Paramount+. 

While waiting for that, hole for what’s adjacent successful the satellite of Halo by checking retired Game Informer’s Halo Infinite crippled hub. There, you’ll find a 4K archetypal look astatine the game’s opening level, an exclusive uncover of a limb caller to the Halo universe, our thoughts connected Halo Infinite aft going hands-on with it, and more. 

Are you excited astir this Halo TV series? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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