Halo Infinite: 343 Industries Used Halo 3 Character And Enemy Designs For Inspiration

2 years ago 226

343 Industries has revealed successful a caller Inside Infinite blog post that it relied connected quality and force designs from the Halo 3/Halo: Reach epoch of the franchise for inspiration. 

Microsoft and 343 Industries person been beauteous unfastened astir their tendency for Infinite to harken backmost to the days of classical Halo. It’s acceptable connected a azygous Halo ringing – Zeta Halo – overmuch successful the aforesaid mode Halo: Combat Evolved was acceptable connected a ring, and the designs clasp the much streamlined look of Bungie’s Halo games. Now, we cognize it’s due to the fact that Halo 3 and Halo: Reach were the inspiration. 

“The spiritual reboot really made it easier for america to incorporated immoderate much bequest designs into the characters,” Halo Infinite quality and combat manager Steve Dyck writes successful the blog post. “One of the champion examples of this is the Elites, Grunts, and Jackal who each person a much more ‘legacy’ plan to them than we had successful Halo 4 oregon 5. In presumption of which portion of the bequest we looked to for inspiration, we settled astir astir the Halo 3/Halo: Reach timeframe and past incorporated the Banished aesthetic wherever it made consciousness on with the Halo Infinite creation direction.” 

Halo Infinite’s run quality creation lead, Bryan Repka, added that 343 Industries knew aboriginal connected that it wanted to “spiritually reboot” Halo’s characters, and doing truthful meant taking a look astatine each azygous quality successful the franchise. As a result, “every quality successful Infinite was redesigned successful immoderate way,” Repka said. 

“Like [Steve Dyck] mentioned, we truly relied connected the designs of the past,” Repka continued. “We wanted to get backmost to the bequest designs that made Halo characters iconic, but we didn’t conscionable privation to conscionable up-res them. We wanted to adhd our ain flair portion staying existent to the 20 years of history.” 

Repka utilized Elites arsenic an illustration – they were bigger and bulkier successful Halo 4 and 5 compared to Elites of older Halo games and Repka said 343 Industries “ended up scaling them down and giving them a much sleek look” truthful that they looked “fast, agile, and intelligent.” The thought was that Elites would erstwhile again opposition heavy against the bigger and much hulking Brutes featured successful Infinite. 

For much astir the quality and force designs successful Halo Infinite, beryllium definite to cheque retired the full Inside Infinite blog post. Read astir Craig the Brute’s caller glow-up aft that and past cheque retired Game Informer’s breakdown of everything we cognize astir Halo Infinite truthful far.

Do you similar the caller designs? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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