Grand Theft Auto V Sold More Than 5 Million Copies Last Quarter, 155 Million Units Sold Overall

2 years ago 233

More Than 5 cardinal copies of Grand Theft Auto V – you know, the crippled released astir a decennary agone – were sold conscionable past quarter, bringing its full units sold up to a whopping 155 cardinal units. 

This quality comes by mode of VentureBeat, which reports that the Rockstar-developed open-world crippled has generated much than $6 cardinal successful gross since its 2013 release. GTAV became the astir profitable amusement merchandise of each clip 3 years agone successful 2018, arsenic reported by, and it seems similar the crippled has nary plans to springiness up that rubric anytime soon. 

These caller GTAV numbers travel from Take-Two Interactive’s latest fiscal report, which details the 2nd fiscal quarter’s earnings. That quarter ended connected September 30. According to VentureBeat, the institution bushed not lone Wall Street’s expectations but its ain arsenic good aft netting $984.9 million. That’s up 3% from past year, too, which was an particularly large twelvemonth for video games owed to accrued purchases arsenic a effect of pandemic-related quarantines. 

“I wouldn’t accidental that the pandemic is over, I deliberation we’re surely not seeing that successful moving conditions, and truthful it’s hard to judge we’re seeing it afloat successful user patterns, but I deliberation we’re adjacent to the caller normal,” Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick told VentureBeat

GTAV’s popularity apt remains arsenic precocious arsenic it is owed to its online component, GTA Online, which is regularly updated and features microtransactions that Take-Two makes adjacent much wealth from. These GTAV numbers are definite to proceed rising, too, particularly arsenic we adjacent person to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S re-release of it dubbed Grand Theft Auto V: Enhanced Edition. 

The Enhanced Edition of GTAV volition beryllium released successful the Spring of 2022.

While waiting for that, work our thoughts connected the archetypal merchandise successful Game Informer’s Grand Theft Auto V review and past cheque retired all the improvements coming with Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – Definitive Edition, which includes remasters of GTA 3, GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas. Read astir however Rockstar Games is adding peculiar cogwheel to GTA Online successful grant of GTA 3’s 20th anniversary aft that.

Will you beryllium picking up the Enhanced Edition of GTAV adjacent year? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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