Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas In Development For Oculus Quest 2

2 years ago 227

Oculus, the virtual world institution owned by Facebook, has revealed that it is presently moving connected bringing the classical Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to its Quest 2 device. 

This quality comes by mode of Facebook’s identity-changing livestream today, wherever the institution is expected to denote its caller name. During the stream, it was revealed that Oculus is moving connected a “built-for-VR version” of the famed GTA.

“Today astatine Connect, we announced that the Rockstar Games classical Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is successful improvement for Quest 2,” an Oculus blog post reads. “Get a caller position connected Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas arsenic you acquisition (again oregon for the archetypal time) 1 of gaming’s astir iconic unfastened worlds.”

Oculus says this task has been “many years” successful the making and that it’s excited to uncover more, but much was not revealed today. There weren’t immoderate screenshots of what the VR position successful San Andreas mightiness look like, nor were immoderate details shared astir whether oregon not this would beryllium a larboard of the classical crippled to VR, a larboard of the upcoming remaster, oregon a implicit remake. 

This quality comes blistery disconnected the heels of Resident Evil 4’s Oculus Quest 2 VR release, which was well reviewed, including present astatine Game Informer wherever we gave it an 8.75 retired of 10.

While waiting to larn much astir this VR mentation of San Andreas, drawback up connected quality of the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition coming retired soon, which includes a remaster of San Andreas. Be definite to work up connected all the changes and improvements coming to that trilogy remaster aft that. 

Will you beryllium checking retired Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas successful VR erstwhile it hits the Oculus Quest 2? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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