Free To Play PS4 Exclusive, The Tomorrow Children, Set To Return Four Years After Going Offline

2 years ago 232

Developer Q-Games has announced that it has acquired the rights to its 2016 free-to-play multiplayer indie, The Tomorrow Children, and volition beryllium bringing it backmost sometime successful the future. 

The Tomorrow Children was released 5 years agone arsenic a free-to-play crippled acceptable successful a unsocial satellite that tasked players with gathering villages and stocking up connected supplies to halt incoming attackers. It features a flair of Soviet Union-influenced post-apocalypse dystopia to it, too. According to Q-Games, a “large fig of fans worldwide [clocked] up hundreds of hours each,” but The Tomorrow Children was taken offline conscionable 1 twelvemonth aft its launch. 

“Kyoto-based video crippled developer, Q-Games, is arrogant to denote that it has successfully travel to an statement with Sony Interactive Entertainment for the ownership of its PlayStation 4 cult hit, The Tomorrow Children, [and it] volition instrumentality to its archetypal creators, Dylan Cuthbert and the squad astatine Q-Games,” a press release astir the announcement reads. “Q-Games volition present beryllium moving hard to rebuild The Tomorrow Children and bring it backmost to its loving fans.”

Cuthbert is the manager of The Tomorrow Children, and helium wrote that he’d similar to convey the fans archetypal and foremost due to the fact that without them, “[he] would person ne'er had the assurance to support pursuing this deal.” He said that Q-Games’ fans worked hard to support the imagination of The Tomorrow Children live and that he’s excited for fans to enter the neo-soviet satellite of the crippled erstwhile more. 

“Secondly, I’d similar to convey Sony Interactive Entertainment for besides moving with maine to person the IP returned to Q-Games,” the property merchandise reads. “It has taken a concerted effort by each of america to get this eventual step, and I’m afloat of gratitude to everyone progressive successful the process. I americium present tweaking and re-working parts of the crippled each week, and I anticipation everyone follows on and gets progressive successful the process. We program to marque rather a fewer changes for the better, and springiness The Tomorrow Children the re-launch it deserves.” 

There’s nary denotation for erstwhile The Tomorrow Children mightiness return, and it’s chartless if it volition proceed to beryllium a PlayStation exclusive. Considering Q-Games has seemingly secured the rights to ownership of the title, the workplace is presumably escaped to merchandise the crippled wherever it’d like, but lone clip volition archer for now. 

Did you play The Tomorrow Children? Will you beryllium playing it erstwhile it re-launches? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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