Final Fantasy VII Battle Royale Gets November Release Date, Opening Cinematic Revealed

2 years ago 235

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier, a mobile conflict royale acceptable successful Midgar, volition beryllium released this month. 

Square Enix had antecedently stated The First Soldier would beryllium released successful November, arsenic reported by IGN, but acknowledgment to the new opening cinematic that debuted connected YouTube today, we cognize the nonstop merchandise date: November 17. That’s little than 2 weeks distant and what amended mode to get excited astir the dubs you’ll hopefully beryllium getting successful the conflict royale than by watching the caller opening movie for The First Soldier. 

Set 30 years earlier the events of Final Fantasy VII, The First Soldier is about, well, the archetypal soldiers that the Shinra electrical Company began utilizing connected the outskirt battlefields of Midgar. As expected, the opening movie is wholly CG and it doesn’t truly diagnostic thing to bash with the existent conflict royale facet of The First Soldier, prevention for the past fewer seconds that amusement immoderate characters jumping retired of a chopper successful a precise conflict royale fashion. 

You tin pre-register for the conflict royale present and doing truthful could get you immoderate pre-registration rewards, determined by however galore radical really pre-register

  • 300,000: Chocobo Egg
  • 500,000: Shinra Mask Skin
  • 770,000: Shinra Bike Skin
  • 1,000,000: Shinra Utility Vehicle Skin
  • 2,000,000: Shinra Helicopter Skin

The 75-player Final Fantasy VII conflict royale volition beryllium released successful 12 days connected iOS and Android devices connected November 17. 

While waiting for that, cheque retired the latest details we learned astir Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier and past work astir Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis, the different Final Fantasy VII-centric mobile crippled Square Enix announced earlier this year. 

Will you beryllium playing Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier aboriginal this month? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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