Final Fantasy 5 Pixel Remaster Gets November Launch Date

2 years ago 237

The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series is a remastered postulation of the archetypal six Final Fantasy games. Instead of releasing the titles simultaneously, Square Enix opted to motorboat the archetypal 3 games each astatine erstwhile earlier individually dropping the backmost fractional of the bunch. Final Fantasy IV arrived successful September and present it’s clip for the 5th introduction to instrumentality to the spotlight.

Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster launches to Steam and mobile devices connected November 10. Like the erstwhile games, it features updated pixel art, modernized gameplay and menus, a rearranged soundtrack by archetypal composer Nobuo Uematsu, and goodies specified arsenic a bestiary and illustrations gallery. Final Fantasy V primitively launched successful Japan successful 1992 but didn’t scope the U.S. until 1999’s Final Fantasy Anthology for PlayStation 1. The crippled is astir celebrated for introducing an expanded occupation strategy that allowed a greater grade of enactment customization, which has been adopted and expanded upon successful aboriginal Final Fantasy entries. 

The FFV Pixel Remaster usually runs for $17.99, but you tin nab it astatine a 20% discount ($14.39). Those who pre-order it person 2 wallpapers and timelapse remixes of 3 in-game songs: "The Main Theme," "Battle astatine Big Bridge," and "A New World." If you’d alternatively acquisition each six games astatine once, the bundle for that presently sits astatine a discounted terms of $74.82.

Looking astatine the merchandise cadence of Final Fantasy IV and V, it’s astir apt harmless to presume that the legendary Final Fantasy VI volition get sometime successful possibly precocious December oregon January. Have you been playing the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters? Will you beryllium jumping into FFV for the archetypal clip acknowledgment to this remaster? Let america cognize successful the comments!  

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