Exploring Nintendo's Metroid Prime | Video Gameography

2 years ago 229

The archetypal play of Game Informer’s Video Gameography explores the past of the Metroid series. After moving down Samus' 2D outings, we’re acceptable to task into the satellite of 3D with Metroid Prime.

Released connected November 17, 2002 for Nintendo's Gamecube, Metroid Prime is often considered 1 of the champion games of its era. However, to amended recognize Metroid Prime's power we archetypal person to spell backmost to the tumultuous founding of Retro Studios. In bid to make Metroid Prime, Retro canceled 4 different projects, and adjacent past galore of its designers astir didn't past development. In the end, Retro created a full masterpiece that feels up of its time. Join america as we speech astir Retro's struggles, why Shigeru Miyamoto felt that the morph shot was indispensable to the formula, and however we astir saw Kraid successful 3D. 

Join hosts Ben Reeves (@BenjaminReeves), Marcus Stewart (@MarcusStewart7), and peculiar guest, Game Informer's own Blake Hester (@metallicaisrad) for the adjacent hr arsenic we research Metroid Prime's lore, improvement history, and lasting impact. 

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