Enter the BloodRayne ReVamped Sweepstakes!

2 years ago 235

It looks similar Rayne is successful the forecast!

From the Studio:
From steadfast Ziggurat Interactive, and developed for consoles by Big Boat Interactive, BloodRayne: ReVamped and BloodRayne 2: ReVamped volition motorboat connected November 18, 2021, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. This is the archetypal clip the archetypal BloodRayne games volition look connected a Nintendo console. In summation to the integer launch, determination volition beryllium exclusive carnal releases connected Switch and PS4 acknowledgment to Limited Run Games. 

Players volition beryllium capable to acquisition the deadly dhampir’s adventures with modern enhancements including higher show resolutions, upscaled cinematics, motor improvements, and more.

The third-person fearfulness enactment bid BloodRayne introduced gamers to Rayne, a brutal half-vampire femme fatale traveling the satellite to foil Nazi plans, conflict supernatural threats, and uncover much astir her vampiric heritage. Featuring a unsocial protagonist, fast-action combat, superhuman powers, and a globe-spanning storyline, BloodRayne and BloodRayne 2 connection a dynamic and visceral gameplay experience. Beloved by fans and critics alike, BloodRayne became a existent cross-media phenomenon, spanning games, comics, and films crossed the aboriginal 2000s.

New Features of the BloodRayne: Revamped Series connected Consoles include:

  • Support for higher show resolutions (up to 4K / 3840×2160 connected supported consoles)
  • Upscaled cinematic videos
  • Improvements to lighting astatine the motor level, positive afloat reprocessed lighting data
  • Engine improvements to enactment uncompressed archetypal textures
  • Improvements to effects specified arsenic reflections, water, fog, and shadows
  • Localizations include:
    • BloodRayne: Voiced audio and localized substance for English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish.
    • BloodRayne 2: Voiced audio successful English and Russian. Localized substance for English, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.

Now to the amusive part. We have teamed up with Ziggurat Interactive to bring you this exclusive sweepstakes.

One Grand Prize victor will person a carnal transcript of some ReVamped games (for the console of their choice), a Brimstone Society t-shirt, a custom Rayne figure, and a Brimstone engraved chalice.

Ten Runner-up winners will each person a Brimstone Society t-shirt and a integer transcript of some ReVamped games (for the console of their choice).

All you person to bash is participate beneath for your accidental to win. 

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