Elden Ring Might Have Performance And Graphics Mode On New-Gen Consoles, According To GameStop Listing

2 years ago 346

Elden Ring volition person a Performance Mode and a Graphics Mode connected PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, according to the Collector’s Edition listing connected GameStop. 

First discovered by PushSquare, if you spell to the Collector’s Edition listing for Elden Ring connected either PS5 oregon Xbox Series X, you tin find each kinds of details astir FromSoftware’s upcoming open-world RPG. Under the “Enhanced Experience” section, GameStop’s listing says Elden Ring volition person 2 gameplay modes. 

“Using the powerfulness of [the] caller procreation of consoles, [Xbox Series X/S and PS5] volition let players to personalize their acquisition by choosing betwixt Graphic Mode to heighten the game’s visuals (up to 4K) oregon Performance Mode for a higher framework complaint (up to 60 FPS),” the GameStop listing reads. 

If this is true, it would enactment up with what we’ve seen successful different cross-generation titles. Many games releasing connected some previous-gen consoles and new-gen consoles diagnostic immoderate benignant of prime oregon graphics mode that focuses much connected the solution and a show mode that hones successful connected higher framework rates connected PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Elden Ring featuring these 2 gameplay modes would marque sense. 

However, FromSoftware has not officially announced specified a happening and close now, the GameStop listing is the lone denotation that Elden Ring volition person 2 gameplay modes. Hopefully, we’ll larn much astir what’s successful store for Elden Ring’s gameplay connected new-gen consoles soon. Elden Ring hits PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC connected February 25

While waiting to larn more, cheque retired the 15 minutes of Elden Ring gameplay FromSoftware released yesterday, and past cheque retired the different editions of it you tin pre-order now. Read Game Informer’s breakdown of everything we cognize astir Elden Ring aft that.

[Source: PushSquare]

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