EA CEO Says NFTs and Blockchain Games Are The “Future Of Our Industry” And That He’s Unsure Of How That’s Going To Work

2 years ago 380

EA CEO Andrew Wilson precocious said non-fungible tokens and blockchain games are the aboriginal of the video crippled manufacture during a caller institution net call. He besides said he’s unsure of how. 

This quality comes by mode of PC Gamer, which reported connected Wilson’s NFT-related connection during the net call. In a spot of a cart earlier the equine situation, Wilson made the bold assertion that NFTs and “play-to-earn” games, aka blockchain games, are the “future of our industry” earlier adding that “it’s inactive excessively aboriginal to fig retired however that’s going to work.” With that being said, it’s unclear what makes him truthful sure. 

“I deliberation that successful the discourse of games we make and the unrecorded services that we offer, collectible integer contented is going to play a meaningful portion successful our future,” Wilson said, according to PC Gamer. “So, it’s inactive aboriginal to tell, but I deliberation we’re successful a truly bully position, and we should expect america to benignant of think more innovatively and creatively astir that connected a go-forward basis.” 

Oddly enough, considering Wilson’s comments, EA hasn’t revealed immoderate authoritative plans for NFTs oregon blockchain games. However, that hasn’t stopped different manufacture giants from doing so. Earlier this week, Ubisoft announced that it plans to make blockchain games and NFTs. It besides revealed that it plans to employment play-to-earn techniques in-game that let players to gain integer contented from playing Ubisoft games. 

Blockchain games and NFTs person drawn dense disapproval successful the industry thus acold owed to their portion successful ongoing biology damage. The usage of cryptocurrencies, which are often utilized to acquisition NFTs, and the mining of said currencies results successful millions of c dioxide emissions, damaging Earth’s atmosphere, arsenic reported by The Verge

As a result, immoderate large players person done the other of Ubisoft and EA, criticizing and outright banning the usage of NFTs and blockchain games. Steam precocious said it volition not let developers to people “applications built connected blockchain exertion that contented oregon let the speech of cryptocurrencies oregon NFTs.” Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney likewise criticized NFTs. However, one period later, he revealed that the Epic Games Store is good moving with developers utilizing blockchain technologies successful effect to Steam’s ban. 

At the moment, the usage of cryptocurrencies is mostly viewed arsenic harmful to the planet. Ethereum, 1 of the most-used cryptocurrencies, though, is moving connected thing it calls “The Merge,” which it says volition “start the epoch of a much sustainable, eco-friendly Ethereum.” Only clip volition archer however greenish Ethereum becomes. Regardless, it seems EA is acceptable connected embracing NFTs and blockchain games successful its adjacent future.

[Source: PC Gamer]

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