Dead By Daylight: Original Story Portrait Of A Murder Chapter Announced Alongside Epic Games Store Release Window

2 years ago 347

Behaviour Interactive has revealed the adjacent section of Dead by Daylight, and it's an archetypal communicative called Portrait of a Murder. 

Set successful a surreal mentation of an abandoned graveyard successful the Chilean desert, Portrait of a Murder is "an creator ode to fearfulness and darkness." It brings 2 caller Latin American characters to the asymmetrical multiplayer title. One of them is the game's archetypal Mexican American character, too. 

"Portrait of a Murder is Dead by Daylight going backmost to its roots: an archetypal communicative and universe, acceptable successful mystery, acheronian phantasy and fear," originative manager Dave Richard writes successful a property merchandise astir the caller chapter. "The caller characters are besides unsocial and diverse, which is portion of our DNA, and typical of our subordinate base." 

Portrait of a Murder includes a caller slayer named The Artist, a "gifted but tormented Chilean painter" different known arsenic Carmina Mora. The DLC consists of a caller subsister named Jonah Vasquez, too, who is simply a CIA codebreaker that sees strings of numbers everyplace helium goes. The caller map, The Forsaken Boneyard, is acceptable successful an abandoned surrealist graveyard successful the Chilean desert. 

An nonstop merchandise day was not announced, but Portrait of a Murder volition deed the crippled sometime this month. The DLC volition outgo $6.99 connected the Microsoft Store, Steam, and Stadia for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The caller section volition outgo $7.99.

In today's news, Behaviour Interactive besides revealed that Dead by Daylight would beryllium joining the Epic Games Store's catalog successful December.

"Coming successful December, each Dead by Daylight contented volition beryllium made accessible, including the basal game, each past editions arsenic good arsenic DLCs disposable astatine the infinitesimal of release," the property merchandise reads. "Additionally, fans volition beryllium thrilled to larn that the Epic Games Store volition let cross-platform play arsenic good arsenic cross-platform progression via their Behaviour account." 

Portrait of a Murder volition beryllium disposable connected the Epic Games Store erstwhile Dead by Daylight is available. While waiting for this DLC, cheque out Game Informer's list of the apical 10 fearfulness games to play close now, and past work our thoughts connected Dead by Daylight in Game Informer's Dead by Daylight review

Are you excited astir this caller chapter? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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