Dark Phoenix From X-Men Added To Fortnite

2 years ago 221

If you’ve ever mislaid successful a circular of Fortnite close astatine the extremity and consciousness the request to shriek and implode into fire, bully news: there’s a tegument present disposable successful Fortnite for you. 

It’s the Dark Phoenix skin, and X-Men fans volition admit her arsenic the Phoenix seen passim the Dark Phoenix Saga, a tally of comics that ran successful 1980. You mightiness besides admit Dark Phoenix from the 2019 X-Men movie of the aforesaid name. Regardless, if you’re a instrumentality of the much explosive variant of Jean Grey, this tegument is for you. 

"I americium Fire and Life incarnate! Now and everlastingly - I americium Phoenix!"

Dark Phoenix has arrived connected the Island. Grab the Phoenix Force acceptable present successful the Shop. pic.twitter.com/E4b4hsnTII

— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) November 12, 2021

As you tin spot successful the tweet above, the tegument and accompanying items are present disposable for acquisition successful the Fortnite Item Shop. Her acceptable features the outfit, the Phoenix Force backmost bling, and the Rising Phoenix Emote. You’ll besides person the Wrath of the Phoenix Loading Screen with the acceptable arsenic well, according to Epic Games

Dark Phoenix joins different skins precocious added to Fortnite specified arsenic Jinx from League of Legends, which represents the archetypal clip a League of Legends quality has appeared successful a non-Riot franchise, and Naruto, though this was a collaboration tease and we’re inactive successful the acheronian astir what’s really coming from the Shippuden series. Be definite to cheque retired Game Informer’s database of each the Marvel and Dc superheroes and supervillains successful Fornite aft that. 

Will you beryllium picking up Dark Phoenix successful Fortnite? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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