Call Of Duty Warzone: New Pacific Map Will Go Live A Month After The Launch Of Vanguard

2 years ago 232

We already knew Season 6 of Call of Duty: Warzone would beryllium the past for Verdansk, which is the existent representation successful rotation for the fashionable conflict royale. Now we cognize erstwhile we’ll beryllium officially saying goodbye: December 1. 

That’s due to the fact that the caller Pacific-themed map, officially known arsenic Caldera, volition motorboat connected December 2. However, anyone that owns Call of Duty: Vanguard, which releases November 5, earlier the motorboat of Season 1 connected December 2, volition get 24 hours of aboriginal entree to the caller Warzone map. Verdansk volition beryllium nary much connected December 1, but those who didn't acquisition Vanguard and privation to play Warzone specifically connected that day will inactive beryllium capable to – they’ll conscionable beryllium launched into Rebirth Island, alternatively than Caldera. 

Activision Blizzard has elaborate what you tin expect to find connected Caldera erstwhile it hits Warzone for everyone connected December 2. 

“Lush forests and rocky crags. White soil beaches and mysterious ruins. A dormant volcano that towers implicit the 200-plus points of interest,” a Call of Duty blog post reads. “A representation astir the size of Verdansk, which it volition regenerate arsenic portion of the [Season 1] update, this caller representation is based connected 2 years of probe and listening to the community.” 

The representation is “visually appealing” and acceptable to enactment Vanguard’s armaments. Plus, it volition enactment fully-optimized cross-play, cross-progression, and cross-gen support. Following the debut of Caldera, the crippled volition beryllium known arsenic Call of Duty: Warzone Pacific, oregon Warzone Pacific, according to the blog post. 

Activision Blizzard says your progression from Verdansk volition transportation implicit arsenic well, including operators, calling cards, weapons, and more. 

If you’re bittersweet astir saying goodbye to Verdansk, don’t fret: everyone volition get a due goodbye to the map. Described arsenic an encore for it, Operation: Flashback volition spell unrecorded connected November 18 and past done December 1. 

“The metropolis and its surrounding country hosted implicit 100 cardinal players for the past 18 months, and plentifulness has changed since March 10, 2020,” the station reads. “From blasting backmost to the twelvemonth 1984 to hosting ‘80s Action Heroes and Hauntings, Verdansk proved to beryllium the spot to driblet successful again and again. To observe – and bring backmost – these classical moments and galore more, pb developer Raven Software created a peculiar 'Operation: Flashback' limited-time mode, featuring plentifulness of surprises that screen Verdansk’s action-packed history.” 

Two unsocial rewards volition beryllium up for grabs successful Operation: Flashback, too: an emblem and an animated Calling Card that tin beryllium earned by those who assertion a triumph during the operation.

For much astir Warzone Pacific, the archetypal Season of Vanguard, and truthful overmuch more, caput to the Call of Duty blog post further detailing everything you tin expect and past work astir however new streaming tech volition let Vanguard to beryllium up to 50% smaller than erstwhile Call of Duty releases. Check out Game Informer's impressions of the Vanguard multiplayer aft that. 

Are you excited astir Caldera? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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