Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies Experience Won’t Feature Main ‘Dark Aether’ Quest At Launch

2 years ago 233

Zombies volition beryllium playable in-game erstwhile Call of Duty: Vanguard launches Friday, but don’t expect to proceed the Dark Aether communicative until aft launch. 

That’s due to the fact that Zombies’ Main Quest won’t beryllium disposable successful Vanguard astatine launch, arsenic archetypal reported by IGN. More specifically, it seems similar the Main Quest won’t beryllium successful afloat plaything until aft Vanguard’s Season One, which begins connected December 2. 

“Starting connected December 2, caller Zombies contented and features volition statesman to rotation retired successful Vanguard, including a caller Objective, further Covenants, caller weapons, Zombies Season Challenges, holiday-themed updates, and more,” a caller blog post from Treyarch reads. “Players volition besides brushwood immoderate different astonishment elements aboriginal successful Season One that volition acceptable the signifier for our upcoming Main Quest. This Main Quest volition beryllium tied to the accomplishment of an unexpected state aft Season One, which volition further grow the communicative of the Dark Aether, and uncover much details astir the characters and entities that players volition person encountered frankincense far.” 

As you tin see, determination are a mates of cardinal phrases that look to bespeak the Main Quest won’t spell unrecorded in-game until aft Season One: “...later successful Season One that volition acceptable the signifier for our upcoming Main Quest” and “This Main Quest volition beryllium tied to the accomplishment of an unexpected state aft Season One.” If that’s the case, the Main Quest mightiness not beryllium successful Vanguard’s Zombies until precocious December oregon adjacent aboriginal 2022. 

Previous Call of Duty seasons lasted for astir 2 months each and if Season One begins December 2, that places the extremity of it happening sometime successful February adjacent year. Only clip volition archer for now. However, portion you won’t beryllium expanding the ongoing Dark Aether storyline successful Vanguard erstwhile it launches connected November 5, the classical wave-based Zombies mode volition inactive beryllium waiting for you connected time one. 

Call of Duty: Vanguard launches connected November 5 connected PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. 

For much astir Vanguard, cheque retired all the details we cognize truthful acold astir its Zombies and past work astir however its record size could beryllium up to 50% smaller than erstwhile Call of Duty releases. Check retired the caller Pacific Warzone representation called Caldera launching successful December aft that.

[Source: IGN]

Will you beryllium playing Zombies in Vanguard erstwhile it launches this Friday? Let us know in the comments below!

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