Boba Fett Is Coming To Fortnite Next Month

2 years ago 227

The famed bounty huntsman Boba Fett is coming to Fortnite successful conscionable a small implicit a month. 

This quality comes by mode of the official Fortnite Twitter account, which announced the quality arsenic portion of Disney Plus Day past week. Perhaps an aboriginal Christmas contiguous for those that observe the holiday, Boba Fett volition beryllium added to Fortnite (presumably arsenic a purchasable tegument successful the Item Shop) connected December 24. 

It’s fantabulous timing, too, due to the fact that Disney’s upcoming Disney Plus amusement astir the bounty hunter, The Book of Boba Fett, launches 5 days aboriginal connected December 29. 

As you tin spot successful the Tweet above, Boba Fett is pictured connected a throne with Fennec Shand, who is played by Ming-Na Wen successful The Mandalorian, close beside him. It’s unclear if Fennec Shand volition beryllium joining the Fortnite roster, and portion it would beryllium cool, the existent words that travel the representation successful the tweet suggest that conscionable Boba Fett is joining the game. 

Only clip volition archer for present – you lone person to hold astir six much weeks to find out. While waiting for that, cheque retired the first trailer from The Book of Boba Fett and past work astir however Dark Phoenix from X-Men is being added to Fortnite. Read astir however something from Naruto Shippuden is coming to Fortnite soon aft that. Then, cheque retired Game Informer’s database of all the Marvel and DC superheroes and supervillains successful Fortnite

Will you beryllium picking up Boba Fett successful Fortnite adjacent month? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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