Blizzard Co-Lead Jen Oneal Stepping Down At End Of The Year

2 years ago 227

Activision Blizzard's scenery is everchanging successful the aftermath of the suit from the authorities of California regarding toxic workplace culture, and different large displacement happened during the company's quarterly net call. Jen Oneal, who was appointed co-lead of Blizzard with Mike Ybarra a fewer months ago, volition measurement down and permission the institution astatine the extremity of 2021. 

In a letter posted on Blizzard's website, Jen Oneal explains the enactment concern moving guardant arsenic good arsenic wherever she volition beryllium disconnected to next.

"I privation you to perceive from maine personally that I person made the determination to measurement distant from co-leading Blizzard Entertainment and volition modulation to a caller presumption earlier departing ABK astatine the extremity of the year. Effective immediately, Mike Ybarra volition pb Blizzard."

Oneal made a constituent to clarify she isn't (at slightest openly) leaving owed to the lawsuits and investigations, nor the company's environment. "I americium doing this not due to the fact that I americium without anticipation for Blizzard, rather the opposite--I’m inspired by the passionateness of everyone here, moving towards meaningful, lasting alteration with their full hearts." The inspiration fixed is to enactment to "explore however I tin bash much to person games and diverseness intersect, and hopefully marque a broader manufacture interaction that volition payment Blizzard (and different studios) arsenic well." 

Before becoming co-lead of Blizzard, Jen Oneal was the workplace caput of Vicarious Visions, which was precocious absorbed into Blizzard proper. In her announcement, Oneal says the workplace is successful bully manus with Ybarra astatine the helm.

"I wanted to archer the Blizzard assemblage this personally due to the fact that I privation you to cognize I judge truthful powerfully successful Mike and the remainder of Blizzard’s enactment some successful presumption of Blizzard’s civilization and Blizzard’s games. Blizzard’s champion days are ahead. I genuinely judge that. I besides americium hoping this missive helps you to deliberation astir what you tin bash to marque everyone astir you--no substance their gender, race, oregon identity--feel welcome, comfortable, and escaped to beryllium themselves." 

In the capitalist call, 2 of Blizzard's biggest projects were besides announced to beryllium delayed retired of their respective expected motorboat times adjacent year. 

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