Battlefield 2042 Skin To Be Renamed After Link To Russo-Ukrainian War Discovered

2 years ago 221

Dice volition rename a Battlefield 2042 tegument aft a player revealed its connection to the Russo-Ukrainian War. 

This quality comes by mode of IGN, which archetypal reported that idiosyncratic connected Twitter, Waggle_ua, pointed retired to EA and Dice that the “Little Green Man” tegument disposable for the Russian specialist, Pyotr “Boris” Gukovsky, is simply a notation to Russian soldiers secretly sent into Crimea during the Ukrainian Crisis of 2014

As you tin spot successful the tweet above, Waggle asked EA and Dice if they were “ok with jokingly putting the Russian terrorists that occupied portion of my country” successful the game. As IGN reports, the Little Green Men skin references Russian soldiers who wore unmarked greenish uniforms that initially denied an relation to Russia during the annexation of Crimea. 

Russian President Vladimir Putin, however, aboriginal confirmed that the Little Green Men were Russian and portion of a peculiar forces portion sent into Crimea by Russia. Dice responded and said, “we sincerely admit you bringing this to our attention” and that “the usage of the sanction was unintentional.” Dice past confirmed that the Little Green Man tegument would person a caller sanction successful an upcoming update. 

We sincerely admit you bringing this to our attention. The usage of the sanction was unintentional, and you've helped america to marque a affirmative alteration successful the game. Thank you 💛

— Battlefield Direct Communication (@BattlefieldComm) November 12, 2021

“It unintentionally references a real-world issue, and isn’t reflective of our team’s values,” the Battlefield Direct Communication Twitter relationship wrote successful a tweet. “We’ll beryllium changing the sanction successful a forthcoming update, and admit it being brought to our attention.” 

We’ll beryllium definite to update this communicative erstwhile that update goes live. For now, work astir Dice’s plans for the archetypal twelvemonth of Battlefield 2042, and past cheque retired our thoughts connected it truthful acold successful Game Informer’s Battlefield 2042 reappraisal successful progress. Read Game Informer’s breakdown of everything we cognize astir Battlefield 2042 truthful far aft that.  

[Source: IGN]

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