Battlefield 2042: Dice Reveals Year One Plans Including Multiple Seasons, Battle Passes, New Specialists, And More

2 years ago 227

Dice has revealed its post-launch plans for the archetypal twelvemonth of Battlefield 2042 and there’s a batch of contented connected the mode for the multiplayer-only title. 

Battlefield 2042 is out present for those with entree to its aboriginal entree period, and the afloat rubric volition beryllium retired for astir connected November 19. As you leap into the game, you’ll beryllium treated to a sizeable magnitude of maps, specialists, weapons, and more, but according to a new blog post from Dice, this is conscionable the beginning. In its archetypal year, you tin expect aggregate seasons and accompanying conflict passes, caller specialists, and perchance immoderate caller maps. 

“In our archetypal twelvemonth of unrecorded service, we volition present 4 Seasons, with 4 Battle Passes, 4 caller Specialists, and caller locations on with much caller content,” Dice’s blog station reads. “We besides mean to present updates to Battlefield Portal that volition springiness players much ways to physique and stock caller Battlefield experiences with the world.” 

Continuing successful the blog, Dice says for Season 1, expect a caller Specialist, 1 Battle Pass, and immoderate further Portal content. They adjacent tease that players mightiness spot immoderate “new sights” (presumably by mode of caller maps) arsenic the communicative of 2042 unfolds. More details regarding that volition beryllium shared aboriginal adjacent year, Dice says. 

“During launch, we’ll besides footwear disconnected the Preseason with Weekly Missions and Rewards, Limited Time Modes, featured Creator Spotlights and experiences successful Battlefield Portal, and more,” the blog station reads. 

While waiting for each of this caller contented to deed 2042, cheque retired Game Informer’s Battlefield 2042 reappraisal successful progress and past cheque retired Game Informer’s breakdown of everything we cognize astir Battlefield 2042. Read astir its caller Hazard Zone crippled mode aft that. 

Are you playing Battlefield 2042? What bash you similar astir astir it truthful far? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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