Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla To Get Four More Content Updates Before End Of Year

2 years ago 234

Ubisoft has confirmed that Assassin’s Creed Valhalla volition person 4 much contented updates successful 2021. 

This quality comes from the authoritative Assassin’s Creed Twitter account, which posted a timeline screenshot of what’s acceptable to get successful Valhalla earlier the twelvemonth is up. As indicated by the photograph seen below, determination look to beryllium 4 much updates: Title Update 1.4.0, Tombs of the Fallen, Oskoreia Festival, and Title Update 1.4.1. 

Ready for more? Here’s a sneak peek astatine what’s to travel successful Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Looks similar 2021 inactive has a fewer much mysteries to uncover.

What’s particularly absorbing astir this timeline is the Tombs of the Fallen contented update coming November 9 – caller reports, such arsenic this 1 from Video Games Chronicle, revealed that immoderate PlayStation trophies related to thing called “Tombs of the Fallen” had been added to the game’s backend. Now, this caller update from Ubisoft confirms it. As for what that update volition entail, it seems caller dungeon-like tombs volition beryllium added to Valhalla for players to explore. 

The November Title Update 1.4.0 changeable seems to uncover a caller quality for Eivor – possibly she tin summon tornadoes oregon gusts of upwind to the battlefield. Of course, it could beryllium thing much treacherous, specified arsenic a caller force that tin harness the upwind erstwhile fighting. 

The Oskoreia Festival screenshot is simply a spot easier to interruption down: it’s a caller Ravensthorpe-based festival coming to Valhalla. If it’s akin to erstwhile festivals, it volition travel with its ain quests to implicit and unsocial cosmetics to earn. That festival volition tally from November 11 to December 2. The last screenshot is for the December 2021 Title Update 1.4.1, which indicates snow is coming to Ravensthorpe, possibly to ringing successful the wintertime holidays. 

For now, we indispensable each hold until time for Title Update 1.4.0 and Tombs of the Fallen to deed the game.

While waiting for that, cheque retired our impressions of Valhalla’s latest paid DLC, The Siege of Paris, and past work astir however Valhalla is already Ubisoft’s second-biggest crippled ever not adjacent 12 months aft release. Check retired this communicative astir the recently-added (and free) Discovery Tour Mode that gives you an acquisition look astatine Valhalla’s locales aft that.

Are you inactive playing Valhalla? Are you excited astir these 4 contented updates? Let america cognize successful the comments below!

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