Assassin’s Creed Lead Writer Returns To Ubisoft Seven Months After Leaving

2 years ago 236

The writer down immoderate of the stories and dialog featured successful Assassin’s Creed games similar Revelations, Black Flag, and adjacent past year’s Valhalla, Darby McDevitt, has returned to Ubisoft. 

This quality comes by mode of Video Games Chronicle, which reports that McDevitt is backmost astatine the institution conscionable 7 months aft leaving it. In that time, helium began moving for developer Illogika Games. When helium near Ubisoft backmost successful March, McDevitt said helium wanted to instrumentality connected “a caller adventure” and it seems helium either finished up that adventure or decided helium preferred ones wherever hidden blades are involved. 

“Yes, I person returned to Ubisoft,” McDevitt told VGC. “As I pondered my vocation implicit the past year, I focused connected my tendency to research caller ideas and chartless frontiers. Much to my delight, this is reflected successful my instrumentality to Ubisoft to enactment connected [Assassin’s Creed]. I’m excited to proceed my journey. Stay tuned.” 

McDevitt’s instrumentality to Ubisoft is apt a large alleviation for the institution due to the fact that arsenic VGC notes, McDevitt’s departure meant the Assassin’s Creed bid had mislaid 1 of its main loremasters, particularly successful airy of Corey May leaving Ubisoft backmost successful 2015. 

McDevitt helped constitute the narratives of Assassin’s Creed games, the smaller stories recovered wrong each, and the dialog arsenic well. Some of the games successful the bid for which helium has credits see Revelations, Black Flag, Unity, Origins, and past year’s Valhalla, which is already Ubisoft’s 2nd best-selling game, having lone been retired for a year. 

The adjacent Assassin’s Creed crippled volition reportedly beryllium called Infinity and volition beryllium a live-service crippled meant to enactment arsenic much of a level for aggregate smaller-scale assassin stories, alternatively than a accepted merchandise for the series. Perhaps McDevitt volition beryllium helping constitute Infinity’s overarching communicative oregon possibly he’ll beryllium penning immoderate of the smaller-scale stories released connected the live-service platform. 

While waiting to larn more, cheque retired our thoughts connected the astir caller Assassin’s Creed in Game Informer’s Assassin’s Creed Valhalla review and past work what we thought of Assassin’s Creed Origins. Check retired Game Informer’s ranking of the full Assassin’s Creed series aft that. 

[Source: VGC]

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